Setting language or locale for Infor Smart Office and the M3 Business Engine

All available languages for Infor Smart Office are included with the installation.

  • The Infor Smart Office installation program checks the Standards and formats settings on the Regional and Language Options dialog in Windows to determine what language the user's PC is using. The installation will use those settings as the default language and formats for Infor Smart Office.

    For example, if the user's Windows settings indicate French (France), all screen text and formats in the Infor Smart Office will appear in French on that user's PC.

    If the language specified in the Windows settings is not available for Infor Smart Office, the installation will default to English.
  • Once the installation is complete, the user can change the language. The setting is located on the General tab in the Infor Smart Office settings dialog. For more information about how users select languages, see the Infor Smart Office online help.

    Note: Changing the language in Infor Smart Office only affects the Infor Smart Office framework. It does not affect the applications that run in Infor Smart Office.
  • You can override the default language installation by adding a parameter to specify language on the Infor Smart Office installation URL. See Valid URL parameters for an Infor Smart Office ClickOnce installation.

  • The language for M3 MForms is changed in MNS150 for the specific user. The M3 menu will also be loaded in the Navigator widget for the language specified in MNS150. The M3 menu is loaded in the Navigator widget when Infor Smart Office is started, and it is retrieved from the Business Engine using the MNS111MI.ListAllAuth transaction through the M3 WS API.

    The menu in Business Engine needs to be generated for all different languages available. To generate the menu for a specific language:

    • First, check that the language exists in Business Engine in MNS105.

    • If the language exists, start MNS910 and use option 1 to generate the menu for the language.

    For more information about how to manage the M3 menu, see the documentation for M3 Business Engine.