Importing and exporting personalizations
The Import/Export Personalizations feature is designed to allow personalizations to be shared among users.
Users can create personalizations and export them to an XML file. By default, the XML file is always named for the program where the personalizations were created. The XML file can be given to another user, who can import it to get the same personalizations.
If a user has already personalized a form, importing a new personalization will overwrite the existing one. The merge is done at a panel level, so if the user has personalized a panel and that panel is also personalized in the imported XML file, the user's original personalization on that panel will be overwritten.
If the user had personalized other panels that did not exist in the imported file, those personalizations will remain intact.
The Import/Export Personalizations features will automatically be available to all users who have been enabled to create and modify form personalizations.