
This section describes controls grouped with common applications. They can be used by any mashup.

Control Description
ApplicationMessageControl Sends and receives messages in a Mashup.
Dialog A dialog control for showing modal dialogs
FileViewer Add a viewer for files that can be viewed in the mashup. The location can be specified as a URI or a location on a computer.

Supported file types include .rtf, xps, xml and the common image types.

Microsoft Office and Adobe PDF files are not supported.

Note: This control is not intended to display an .html page. Use the WebBrowser control for that purpose.
MashupInstance Add a link to an existing mashup to the current mashup.

If the mashup you are creating is fairly complex, you might use this control to break it up into several files to make each one easier to manage. After the additional files are created, you can add them through a link to your main mashup file.

MashupWebControl Use to launch web mashups controls when the mashup is deployed as a web mashup.
MessageBoxControl Shows messages in a dialog, in a status bar, or both.
NavigationTree Create a custom data view in a tree format.

When you configure the control, you add Members and a Uri to each member.

NetBrowser Add a link to a web page that invokes the Infor Lawson Single Sign-on feature.

Infor Lawson example: If you want to create a mashup that includes a call to Employee or Manager Self-Service applications, you would use this control.


Add any of the following print-related functionality to a mashup:

  • Print: Prints the contents of the current screen
  • Preview: Previews the printer output on screen
  • PrintToFile: Sends the printer output to a file.

    You can specify a file name in an event parameter called Filename or leave the parameter blank to prompt user for a file name.

StatusBar Adds a status bar that shows the progress of the mashup.
TextEditor Add a simple text editor to a mashup.
Timer Used in conjunction with Start and Stop events to control when an action should start or stop.

The timer is visible only in the xaml code (not in the mashup application).

WebBrowser Add a link to a web page.