Creating translatable headers in a mashup

For Infor M3 DetailPanels, ListPanels and VisualizerPanels, mashup developers can ensure that headers are automatically translated into a user's local language.

After the configuration described here is performed, any time a user runs the translated mashup in Infor Smart Office, the header will display in the user's language.

Note: These instructions assume you have experience with translating in Infor M3 BE.
  1. From the Header setting of the panel, if you want to create a non-translatable header, simply type the header text.

    The actual text you type displays in all cases. (This is the only way that customers can create headers.)

  2. To create a translatable header, select "Use language constant" and then click the button to open a dialog box for specifying the constant.
  3. In the Key field, type the variable for the header. (In our example, this is "PM10001".)
  4. Populate the Language field with the two-letter code for the language you want to translate to.
  5. Click Test Translation to make sure you have typed the variable and language code correctly.

    When you are finished configuring, your Create Language Constant Header dialog box should look similar to the following.

  6. If the translation is what you expected, click OK.