URL Parameters for Specialized Use

When accessing the Service Management web client, URL parameters can be used to specify what happens when the web client opens.

The URL parameters addressed in this topic are intended for use only by developers and administrators who need to configure the web client for specialized access. This access might include integrations with other Infor web applications such as ION and Ming.le; or it might include configuring access to other external applications.

This table lists and describes these specialized URL parameters:

URL parameter (syntax) Description
forceSSO=0 or 1 This parameter is used only in conjunction with Ming.le.

When this parameter is set to 1, it implies the use of a workstation type login for authentication. When this option is used, the user name and password fields in the Sign In dialog box are hidden. If the configuration has also been set using a parameter, then the entire Sign In dialog box can be bypassed.

InforCurrentLocale=locale Data formatting locale.

This parameter is supplied by Infor Ming.le as a URL parameter, and is used to override Mongoose locale setting.

InforCurrentLanguage=language The language for display strings.

This parameter is supplied by Infor Ming.le as a URL parameter, and is used to override Mongoose language setting.

mgDevMode=devMode This parameter typically is used only for testing purposes and is usually set in the web.config file. This parameter is used to modify the source of the JavaScript.

These are the valid values for devMode:

  • default (or blank) - This option is used for packaged builds. This is the typical use.
  • nomin - This option is used for non-minified packaged builds.
  • dev - This option is used for standard development purposes. This option does not work unless it is built with Sencha Cmd.
  • testing - This option is used to point to the build/testing directories for development. This option is empty unless it has been built with Sencha Cmd.
  • production - This option is used to point to the build/production directories for development. This option is empty unless it has been built with Sencha Cmd.
mgShowName=showWhat This parameter typically is used only for testing purposes and is usually set in the web.config file. This parameter is used to include original component names as HTML attributes, to assist with automated testing.

These are the valid values for showWhat:

  • default (or blank) - Do not include any values. This is the typical use.
  • justOuter - Include only the outer, or top level, elements.
  • andValue - Include the outer elements and data value elements.
  • andGridCell - Include the outer, data value, and grid cell elements.
preventNav=yes | no | dirty Parameter used primarily by Ming.le interactions.

This parameter is used by Ming.le, when refreshing or doing anything else where no data has changed within the web part, to prevent the normal prompt about navigating away from the current page.

  • When set to yes, the prompt displays, even when the web part is displayed inside a widget or in Ming.le.
  • When set to no, the prompt does display, the prompt does not display at all.
  • When set to dirty, the prompt displays only if the form has the Save button enabled.
stype=full Use this parameter to force the use of a full user session, particularly when opening a form in FormOnly mode. This parameter should be used only with a /session/open/ command.
tenant=tenantID This parameter is used only in conjunction with Ming.le.

The value of tenantID is the name used to identify the application as a tenant. This is usually replaced by "Infor".

This parameter has two fundamental uses:

  • It can be passed to Pendo as the "tenant" value used for analytics.
  • It can be used for federated authentication.
executionTimeout="seconds" This parameter is used to set the number of seconds that the system is to wait before declaring a web connection timeout. It is typically set in the web.config file.

The value of seconds is the number of seconds to wait. The default for this value is 300, or 5 minutes.

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