Edit Collection Specification for Subcollection properties and attributes

These are the properties and attributes available on the Edit Collection Specification for Subcollection dialog box:

Collection Source

Property Description
Parent Collection The name of the parent collection
Subcollection Property The subcollection property as defined on the parent collection
Custom Load Method The name of a custom load method for loading data into the subcollection

This attribute should be specified only if the standard default method of loading the subcollection is inadequate. This is usually required only in very advanced applications.

Method Parameters Parameters passed to the custom load method

Parameters can include literal values, IDO properties, variables, or components.

Base Table and Alias (Read-only) The name of the primary table and its alias for the parent collection IDO
Read Mode The isolation level for transactions when loading the collection

Standard Operations

This property: Specifies that the user can:
Navigate Navigate to the first, next, previous, and last IDO items of the queried subcollection
Refresh Re-query data into the subcollection
Filter Specify filter criteria for the data to be queried into the subcollection grid
New/Copy Create a new IDO item in the subcollection
Save Save changes made to IDO items in the subcollection
Delete Delete IDO items from the subcollection
Note Attach notes to IDO items in the subcollection
Disable Spreadsheet Does not apply to subcollections
Graph Generate an ad hoc graph of data in the subcollection
Collection Name Specify the name of the collection for which the standard operations are defined
Filter Form Specify the name of the form to be opened

Advanced Options

Property Description
Operate as Primary? Use this option to designate another collection or subcollection to be associated with these components.

Unbound or variable-bound components are typically associated with the form's primary collection. For instance, variable-bound components are re-initialized when the user inserts a new IDO item in the primary collection.

Reload After Save? Use this option to have the entire subcollection refreshed after a Save action.
Reload After Child Save? Use this option to have the parent collection refreshed after the subcollection is saved.
Defer Ref Until Visible? Use this option to instruct the system to not populate the subcollection until it becomes visible to the user.

This option is useful for cases in which subcollections or secondary collections are displayed on notebook tabs. If this property is specified, the collection is not queried until the user selects the tab that contains it.

Save One Row per Trans? When this option is applied to a top level collection, it affects both the top level collection and all subcollections.

This option is not available for subcollections.

Update Locking Use this field to select the column locking option that is used during a subcollection update:
  • ROW (default) extracts the row's identifying property (ItemID) to get the RowPointer and RecordDate, and use them to construct the WHERE clause.
  • PROPERTY includes the row's key values and original property values to construct the WHERE clause. RowPointer and RecordDate are omitted from the WHERE clause.

This option ensures that any intermediate change on the row is overwritten with the latest values. This option also enables simultaneous users to edit on the same row on different columns.

Load/Save Overrides Click this button to launch the Load Save Overrides dialog box.

Use this dialog box to specify custom procedures for update, insert, delete, and post-query processing.

Set LinkBy Click this button to launch the Edit LinkBy Specification dialog box.

Use this dialog box to define the relationship between the parent collection and the child subcollection. This is usually specified as a set of IDO property pairs in which one property in each pair is from the parent collection and the other is from the subcollection.

Rec Cap Override Use this field to specify a record cap for the selected collection.

This number cannot exceed the WinStudio maximum record cap, if it has been specified on the Process Defaults form.

Selection Options

Property Description
Filter Use this field to define a permanent filter that is applied to the subcollection.

Ad hoc filter specifications set by filter forms or Filter-in-Place are added to this filter when querying the subcollection.

Distinct Use this option to instruct the system to remove duplicate records from the returned data.

When this option is checked, data cannot be reliably updated. It should only be used for read-only data.

Order By Use this field to specify a comma-delimited list of IDO properties that are used to sort the collection.

The default order is ascending. You can define the order of any of the properties by specifying either desc or asc following the IDO property name.

Group By Use this field to specify a comma-delimited list of IDO properties that are passed to the IDO. The IDO converts them to a SQL GROUP BY clause and passes them to the application database.