Moving properties to the "included" list

To move a property to the "included" list (right pane) on the Select Properties page of the New Form Wizard:

  1. Select a property in the left pane.
  2. Click Add Property.

    To move multiple properties at once, you can Shift-click or Ctrl-click the properties to move before you click the Add Property button. Shift-clicking and Ctrl-clicking work the same here as they do in other Windows contexts.

    To move all properties at once, click Add All Properties.

    • Do not be concerned with the order of the properties in the list at this point. You can take care of that on the next page of the wizard.
    • Subcollection properties cannot be included in grids. This means that you cannot use subcollection properties on Grid-Only forms. The wizard ignores any subcollection properties you might include here, when the form is created.

Repeat these steps until you have all the properties you want in the "included" list.

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