Service Portal pages
The Service Portal web pages are described in this section, including back office mapping detail when applicable.
Account Balance page
This page is used to look for any amounts that are past due, or to see available credit (credit limit minus current balance).
The page contains information similar to that on the back office A/R Posted Transactions Summary form. The account balance information for your customer includes balances for the customer’s subordinate customers, if any. The page includes these calculated fields:
- Current Balance: This is the customer’s on-order balance plus posted balance.
- Available Credit: This is the customer’s credit limit minus the current balance.
The aging bucket text labels that are displayed over the first five fields on the page are set from the values entered on the back office Accounts Receivable Parameters form.
The portal page displays all A/R transactions (such as invoices and payments) for this customer where the Active field is selected on the A/R Posted Transactions Detail form.
Account Management page
This page shows options for users to manage account information.
- Company Information: The fields in this section are mapped to fields on the back office Customers and Customer Ship-Tos forms. Company information is displayed for the logged in customer or partner-customer user. Partner-employee and partner-vendor users must select a customer and click Filter to view this information for their customer.
- Billing Information: Address information comes from the Customer Ship-Tos form for Ship-To 0. Primary contact information comes from data linked to the customer via the Primary Contact setting on the Contacts tab of the Customer Ship-Tos form. Billing information is displayed for the logged in customer or partner-customer user. Partner-employee and partner-vendor users must select a customer and click Filter to view this information for their customer.
- Shipping Information: Address information comes from the Customer Ship-Tos form. Primary contact information comes from data linked to the customer via the Primary Contact setting on the Contacts tab of the Customer Ship-Tos form. Shipping information is displayed for the logged in customer or partner-customer user. Partner-employee and partner-vendor users must select a customer and click Filter to view this information for their customer.
- User Profile Information: The portal user can edit information
in this section, other than the user ID, and the changes take effect
immediately. Fields are mapped in this way:
- The user ID, name, and email address are taken from the back office Users form.
- If the portal user selects Confirmations, the Send External Notifications option is automatically selected for this user on the Users form. The system sends event notifications to the specified email address as well as to the portal Inbox page.
- If a portal user chooses to receive emails for any other option listed, the user is automatically added to the Publication Subscribers form with the appropriate publications.
- Change Password: The Password field is mapped to the Password field on the back office Users form.
Announcements page
This page shows announcements from your company. Announcements are added using the portal Administrator mode pages. Refer to the chapter about Administrative tasks.
Contact Us page
This page shows contact information for your company. The name, address, and email address information is taken from the back office General Parameters form. The phone number is mapped to the Portal Parameters form first and then the General Parameters form if no phone number is provided on Portal Parameters.
Create User Account form
This form is used to create new user accounts from the portal. It is available to only portal users with the Can Create Users option selected. See Allowing users to create additional users.
Customers page
This page is used to view information about existing customers and to register new customers. Users can also generate a redirect link to the portal using this page, which can be copied and displayed on their website or emailed directly to customers.
If no search parameter is selected, this page shows all customers associated with the logged in partner-customer or partner-vendor. This association is taken from the Service Partner field on the Codes tab of the Customer Ship-Tos form. Partner-employees see all customers that have a specified preferred service partner; the list is not filtered.
Documents page
This page is used to download relevant documents from the portal.
Documents are files that are attached to records, to provide additional information. Documents can provide general information and be made available to all website users or they can provide specific information and be made available to individual customers or partners.
If no search parameter is selected, the Documents page shows all customer documents uploaded by a back office customer service representative that are accessible to the logged-in portal user, and all documents uploaded by the portal user and approved in the back office by a customer service representative. To view documents related to specific back office records, portal users must click the documents icon shown with an individual record on the related portal pages.
If the logged in portal user is a customer, only documents for their own customer record are visible. If the logged in portal user is a partner, documents for the customer records of all their assigned customers are displayed.
The details grid on the Documents page contains information from the back office Documents form, and from the portal Document Upload form for documents added via the portal.
Inbox page
This page shows any messages sent to the user, such as confirmations of changes requested on the portal. The page contains messages generated by the back office event system.
Interactions page
This page is used to enter and respond to messages related to records on the portal.
Interactions are messages sent back and forth about a particular customer service order or incident. Interactions specific to these records can be accessed from the Service Orders and Service Incidents pages, or users can see all interactions, listed by date, on the Interactions page.
Customers can enter and review interactions about incidents. Partners can enter and review interactions about service orders and incidents on behalf of their customers.
If no search parameter is selected, the Interactions page displays all customer type interaction records for the logged in portal user. Partner users can manage interactions on behalf of their customers. Customer users can manage their own interactions. The records displayed may have been created by a back office user or the portal user.
When an interaction record is added on the portal, it is saved to the site where the selected reference resides. If a reference is not selected, the customer number is saved as a reference number, and the interaction is saved in the Primary Site.
Inventory page
Invoices page
This page shows invoices you have sent, starting with the most recent invoice.
If no search parameters are specified, the page shows all invoices for the customer. Invoices are sorted by the due date, in descending order (latest first). The fields on the Invoices page are mapped to fields from back office reports.
A portal user can select one or more invoices by selecting the check box. After selecting invoices, the portal user may be able to click Allowing invoice reprint from the portal.
to request a reprint of the selected invoices to be emailed. SeeLogin page
The Login page is used to sign in to the portal after the user has a user ID and password. On this page a user can click the Forgot User ID or Password link, and a pop-up message instructs them to contact your company for assistance. The message also provides a link to the Contact Us page, which shows your company contact information.
Service Incidents page
This page is used to review existing incidents, add notes or attach documents to an incident, and enter new incidents. Information shown on this page comes from the back office Incidents form.
Service Knowledge Base page
This page is used to find and review information stored in the service knowledge base. Initially the page shows summary information about each record. The hit count is the number of times a Search For term occurs in the record. Information shown on this page comes from the back office Knowledge Base form.
Service Orders page
This page is used to review service request order (SRO) information. Information shown on the page comes from the back office Service Orders form.
Service Order Transactions page
This page is used for these tasks:
- Review transactions recorded against a selected SRO.
- Enter material, labor, and miscellaneous transactions for an SRO.
- Add and update transaction notes.
- Change or delete transactions that have a status of Submitted.
Information shown on the page comes from the Service Order Transactions form.
Unit Registration page
This page is used to register units under warranty. The unit, item, and description information is taken from the back office Units form. Province/state codes are taken from the Prov/States form, and country codes are taken from the Countries form.
Warranty Claims page
This page is used for these tasks:
- Enter new warranty claims.
- Enter expenses for those claims.
- Mark claims as ready for reimbursement after all expenses are entered.
- Add notes or documents to a claim.
- Review claim status.
If no search parameters are specified, the page displays all warranty authorizations (incidents) and warranty claims (service orders) for the logged in user. The information shown comes from the back office Incidents, Service Orders, and Service Order Lines forms.