Creating portal user accounts with the utility
Follow these steps to create a portal-enabled user account:
- Log in to the portal with your portal data administrator credentials.
- On the portal administration Main page, select Activity > User Account Management Utility.
Specify this information:
- Account Type
- Specify whether to create a customer or partner portal user account.
- User ID
- Specify the user ID for signing in to the portal.
- Password
- Specify the password for signing in to the portal.
- Retype Password
- Specify the password again for confirmation.
- Name
- Specify the user’s first and last name.
- Specify the user’s primary email address. Any messages resulting from actions on the portal are sent to this address, based on event notification settings.
- Customer/Partner
- Customer applies to only customer users. Specify the customer ID to be associated with this portal user account. Partner applies to only partner users. Specify the partner ID to be associated with this portal user account.
- Optionally, to allow a customer user to add more users for their account, or to allow a partner user to add users or register new customer accounts, select Can Create Users. See Allowing users to create additional users.
- Optionally, to require authorization of this portal user’s warranty claims before service orders can be created for the claims, select Claim Authorization Required. This setting applies to only partner users.
Click Create. These are the results:
- This portal user account record is created on the Users form. The Service Portal group is added, the email address is set, and the user license is set.
- The portal user record is created on the Portal Users form. For partner users, the partner ID is added. For customer users, the customer number is added.
- If selected here, the Can Create Users option is selected on the Portal Users form.
- If selected here, the Claim Authorization Required option is selected on the Portal Users form.
Note: For multi-site implementations, records are created in the necessary sites of the portal site group. -
Provide login information to the new user. See Providing login information to new users.
If you need to add or change any settings for the records created, you must do so in the back office.