Changing text in the bottom sections of the Home page

This topic describes how to change text in the Main layout, which is displayed in the lower three sections of the Home page.

This topic explains how to change translatable text strings to literal text that cannot be translated. If you need to use translatable text on your portal, do not make the changes specified here. Instead, see the portal customization guide.
This table shows what sample text to select and edit for each cell:
Home page sample text Region Embedded region Card Cell name Data string to change
Announcements (button label) CardText Background Region N/A default AnnouncementsButton sAnnouncements
Need to speak to Customer Service... Main Promotion1ER default PromotionText1 sPortalHomePagePromotionText1
Contact Us (link label) Main Promotion1ER default PromotionLink1 sContactUs
Have questions? Find answers now... Main Promotion2ER default PromotionText2 sPortalHomePagePromotionText2
Knowledge Base Search (link label) Main Promotion2ER default PromotionLink2 sSSSFSKBaseSearch
We are pleased to be of service... Main Promotion3ER default PromotionText3 sPortalHomePagePromotionText3
Incidents (link label) Main Promotion3ER default PromotionLink3 sSSSFSIncidents
  1. In the Portal Manager, select Content Development > Layouts.
  2. Find the Main layout with the ISM originator. You can scroll or just type "main".
  3. Right-click in the UI column for that row and select View Layout UI. This opens a new browser window for the portal Layout Editor.
  4. Click Edit. This creates a new copy of the layout with your specified originator.
  5. In the Layout Editor, follow these steps for each text string to change:
    1. In the right pane, collapse the Collection section, expand the Regions section, and select the region of the text to change. See the table above for more information.
    2. Expand the Embedded Regions section and select the embedded region and card, if applicable. The center of the page shows the active card design for the selected region.
    3. In the active card design, click the text region. This highlights the region.
    4. In the right pane, expand the Cell section and change the text in the Data field.
    5. Click Save.
  6. To review changes, open or refresh your portal website.