Creating the Azure AD data source

To create the Azure AD data source, you must paste IDs from fields in the Azure portal into fields in the Farm Manager. You must already have added a digital certificate in the Farm Manager for the portal host.

  1. In the Farm Manager, select Farm Configuration > Data Sources.
  2. Click New.
  3. Specify this information:
    Specify Azure AD.
    Specify Azure Active Directory.
  4. Click OK.
  5. Click Edit.
  6. Specify this information:
    Optionally, provide a description for the data source.
    Directory ID
    In the Azure portal, select Azure Active Directory > Properties. Copy the directory ID and paste it in this field.
    Portal Web Application ID
    In the Azure portal, select Azure Active Directory > App registrations. Filter by All apps. Select the portal web app. Copy the application ID and paste it in this field.
    Portal Web Credentials Certificate
    Select the web credentials certificate.
    Portal Native Application ID
    In the Azure portal, select Azure Active Directory > App registrations. Select the native app. Copy the application ID and paste it in this field.
    Portal Native Redirect URI
    In the Azure portal, select Azure Active Directory > App registrations. Select the native app. Click Settings. Click Redirect URIs. Copy the URI and paste it in this field.
  7. In the Portal Manager, click Save.
  8. Click Generate Key Credentials JSON.
  9. Copy the entire JSON object.
  10. In the Azure portal, select Azure Active Directory > App registrations. Select the web app. Click to edit the manifest.
  11. For the keyCredentials property, paste the JSON object inside the brackets.
  12. For the groupMembershipClaims property, specify “SecurityGroup”. Include the quotation marks in the value.
  13. Click Save.