Style families
Style families are themes that, together with user-defined styles, control the look of a portal or set of portal pages. You can change the look by simply changing the assigned style family. While only user-defined styles are part of a style family, other aspects of the portal look and feel (images, custom.css, and custom.js) can be affected by a mechanism that automatically picks up those resources if they are put in a folder structure following the rules described in Assets.
These are attributes of style families:
- Contain user-defined styles.
- Can be assigned to a portal or a set of portal pages. Each item can be assigned to only one style family.
- Can be hierarchical. A style family hierarchy can contain only style families with the same originator.
- For content management purposes, like import/export, the first level in a style family hierarchy is special in that you can only select this style family for import/export; any child style families will automatically be imported/exported as well.
- Cannot be partially overridden by activation.
When a style family is referred to, either through scripting or internally for assignment to a component such as a component set, the fully qualified name of the style family must be used. For example, consider a root style family called Infor that has a child style family called Lightness. The fully qualified name of the Lightness style family would then be Infor/Lightness.
When a style family is assigned to a page, a CSS class using the fully qualified style family name is also added to the page in the generated HTML, on an element with ID ipf-master-body. This limits the format of style family names to be valid HTML CSS class names. If a fully qualified name is to be referred to, for example in custom.css, any forward slash (/) should be written as \2F. For example, the selector for Infor/Lightness would be written like .Infor\2FLightness.