Alert APIs
Alert APIs can be used for grid and chart FDFs. Use the IntelliSense context command to see which of these Alert APIs can be used within the context of a specific event handler. This table provides a brief description of the IPF Alert APIs:
Name | Description |
AlertSelf() | Throws the event to itself. This useful when the Alert event handler can do something that otherwise cannot be done in the current context. |
AlertParent() | Throws the event to the FDF layout in which this layout is embedded. If a master FDF uses AlertParent(), it is ignored, because there is no parent. |
AlertComponent() | Throws the event to the specified component. If the component cannot be found, the event is ignored. |
AlertPeers() | Throws the event to the components in the same peer group as the sender. |
AlertSelfFilterChanged | Throws the filter changed event to run in the same script that is throwing the event. The filter received by the filter changed event handler is the not mapped, unlike a filter arrived from peers or page filters. A mapped filter is one that has only items that appear in the filtering section of the IPFGrid XML along with session variables, layout variables, and literal values from the IPFGrid XML as items in the filter. An unmapped filter is an exact copy of the filter from the filter changed event. |
AlertComponentFilterChanged | Throws a filter changed event to the same recipients as AlertComponent(). For more information, see AlertComponentFilterChanged |
AlertPeersFilterChanged | Throws a filter changed event to the same recipients as AlertPeers(). |
AlertListenersOnScope | Alerts listeners on the scope with an event. |
AlertListenersOnScope | Alerts listeners on the scope by creating a new event using the eventName name. |
RegisterAsAlertListenerOnScope | Registers the FDF as a listener to the scope. |
UnregisterAsAlertListenerOnScope | Unregisters the FDF as a listener to the scope. |