Viewport relative styles
These styles are provided for use with the responsive UI:
- ipf-expand-vertically-to-viewport
Applicable to pages and to floating regions placed to the viewport.
For pages, this style expands the height of the page’s top cell to match the bottom length of the viewport. Any vertical overflow beneath the bottom of the cell is hidden.
For floating regions, this style expands the region vertically such that the non-anchored edges expand to the edge of the viewport. If the content of the floating region where this style is applied is taller than the floating region, no scrollbar is displayed.
- ipf-vertically-bounded-by-viewport
Applicable to these elements:
- Top-level layouts whose page has the ipf-expand-vertically-to-viewport style applied
- Cells and embedded regions inside floating regions placed to the viewport.
The element where this style is placed is bound vertically by the viewport. This means that the bottom and top edges do not move past the bottom and top edges of the viewport, unless the element’s height shrinks down to zero. If the content of the element where this style is applied is taller than the element, a scrollbar is displayed.
The ipf-draggable style is not applicable to floating regions where either of the above styles exist. If either of these styles exists on a draggable floating region, the region is no longer draggable.