GetAsset API
The GetAsset API is available in the IPFContextSessionl interface through server-side scripting. Its function is to look up a specified asset for display on the portal.
This is the method signature: IPFDocumentI IPFContextSessionI.GetAsset (string folder, string name)
When you use the GetAsset API, you must specify these parameters:
- Folder: This is the location of the asset in the Portal Manager. The path must start and
end with a forward slash. If the location is the root folder, a single forward slash should
be used. If the folder value is null, empty, or the path is invalid, an exception is thrown.
Note: The folder is treated as relative, so IPF searches for the asset within the current style family and locale first. See Resource lookup algorithms.
- Name: This is the name of the asset to retrieve. If this value is null or empty, an exception is thrown.