Visibility of the mouse


The parms contain the region's name and the record it is associated with, if applicable.

context.Handlers.RegisterRegionalMouseInHandlerFor(OnRegionMouseIn, regionName)


String parms.GetName() - name of region available to OnRegionMouseIn

IPFItemI parms.GetItem() - item available to OnRegionMouseIn


The parms contain the region’s name and the record it is associated with, if applicable. If the mouse leaves one region and enters another, the MouseOut handler is called before the MouseIn handler.

context.Handlers.RegisterRegionalMouseOutHandlerFor(OnRegionMouseOut, regionName)


String parms.GetName() - name of region available to OnRegionMouseOut

IPFItemI parms.GetItem() - item available to OnRegionMouseOut


The parms contain the region’s name and the record it is associated with, if applicable. Additionally, the mouse position, relative to the upper left hand corner of the region is available.

context.Handlers.RegisterRegionalMouseMoveHandlerFor(OnRegionMouseMove, regionName)


String parms.GetName() - name of region available to OnRegionMouseMove

IPFItemI parms.GetItem() - the item available to OnRegionMouseMove

String parms.GetXOffsetPercent() - X offset% in terms of position from left and width of region returned as 99%x or -99%x.

String parms.GetYOffsetPercent() - Y offset% in terms of position from top and height of region returned as 99%y or -99%y.

If both a MouseIn and a MouseMove handler are registered for a region, the MouseIn handler is called first.


The parms contain the region’s name and the record it is associated with, if applicable. Additionally, the mouse position, relative to the upper left hand corner of the region is available as XY coordinates similar to the MouseMove event.

When registering for the Hover event:

context.Handlers.RegisterRegionalHoverHandlerFor(OnRegionMouseHover, regionName, Milliseconds)


String parms.GetName() - name of region available to OnRegionMouseHover

IPFItemI parms.GetItem() - item available to OnRegionMouseHover

String parms.GetXOffsetPercent() - X offset % in terms of position from left and width of region returned as 99%x or -99%x.

String parms.GetYOffsetPercent() - Y offset % in terms of position from top and height of region returned as 99%y or -99%y.

The Hover event is generated when the mouse stops moving over a region for the specified number of milliseconds. The default value for the milliseconds duration when it is not specified is 400. The timer is restarted after every MouseIn and MouseMove event (whether or not there is a handler for them). Cleanup of whatever the Hover event handler did can be done in the MouseOut or MouseMove handlers.