
Specifies a border at the location specified on the element. The element dimensions are reduced by the space taken up by the border.

  • Format: ipf-bordertop(BorderSpec)
  • Format: ipf-borderbottom(BorderSpec)
  • Format: ipf-borderleft(BorderSpec)
  • Format: ipf-borderright(BorderSpec)

    BorderSpec can be none or a tuple with: [BorderWidth, BorderStyle, BorderColor]. BorderWidth can be a pixel value. BorderStyle can be dotted, dashed, solid, double, groove, ridge, inset, or outset. BorderColor can be one of the regular color values.

  • Default parameter value: none
  • Not inherited
  • Overrides ipf-border (described next) if both are present
  • Example: ipf-bordertop([1px, solid, #BBBBBB]), ipf-borderright([1px, solid, #BBBBBB]), ipf-borderbottom([1px, solid, #BBBBBB]), ipf-borderleft([1px, solid, #BBBBBB]) on the text box labels: