Specifies the text shadow for text. The text shadow does not take up any space.
- Format:
(ShadowSpecs)ShadowSpecs can be
or a list of specifications, such as [ShadowSpec1, ShadowSpec2, ...]. Each ShadowSpec includes [HorizontalDistance, VerticalDistance, BlurRadius, Color]. Percentage lengths are not allowed. If only one ShadowSpec is specified for a parameter, the outermost brackets may be omitted; for example:ipf-textshadow([0.1em, 0.1em, 0, #999999])
andipf-textshadow([0.1em, 0.1em, 0, #999999], [0.2em, 0.2em, 0.2em, #999999])
. The second example contains a shadow specification for when the element is hovered over, but if instead two separate shadows are desired, this should be written:ipf-textshadow([[0.1em, 0.1em, 0, #999999], [0.2em, 0.2em, 0.2em, #999999]])
Note the use of square brackets to group the individual shadow specifications into one shadow specification list. - Default parameter value:
- Inherited
- Example:
ipf-textshadow([0.2em, 0.2em, 0.2em, #999999])
on the text box labels: