
This throws the event to all of the components within the same peer boundary that are collection-based layouts, such as IPFGrid or IPFChart, and to components that are IPFWebPage. A peer boundary is defined as follows:

  • Special header region: TopHeader, BottomHeader, LeftHeader, RightHeader
  • Main region, in the event that multiple Main regions are used to display a list of records. Filters and alerts cannot travel from one record to another.
  • Portal page
  • Any IPFGrid that has Is Peer Boundary set to True in the FDF Editor
  • Any floating region that has Peer Boundary? selected in the Layout Editor

An embedded region is not considered to be a peer boundary.

The following diagrams show how peer boundaries work. View this section online, or print in color.

Example 1: The inner grid and floating regions are set to be peer boundaries. When a component calls AlertPeers(), the event is sent to only the other components within the same grid or region, as indicated by matching colors.


Example 2: The peer boundary has been cleared on the outer floating region. Now alerts can pass outside the outer floating region to the Main region. peer_boundary_2

Example 3: The peer boundary has been cleared on the inner grid. Now alerts can pass outside the inner grid to the outer floating region. peer_boundary_3