Card stack

A transition is always applied when showing a card. The system-wide default transition when none is specified is TBD on ShowCard(). A default transition can be specified in the layout which overrides the system default. The transition can be specified in the ShowCard() call, which overrides the system default and the value from the layout.

This additional ShowCard() API supports specifying a transition:

context.GetRegion(region).ShowCard(cardName, transition, transitionTime, transitionDelay)


  • Transition: (optional) The name of the animation to use while showing the card. The default value when this is not specified is TBD. These transition specifiers are recognized:
    • CutIn: Ignores transitionTime and makes card visible immediately.
    • FadeIn
    • PullOutFromLeft: As a drawer pulling out from the left edge (the content moves).
    • PullOutFromRight
    • PullOutFromTop
    • PullOutFromBottom
    • RevealFromLeft: The content is revealed as the transition completes from left to right (the content does not move).
    • RevealFromRight
    • RevealFromTop
    • RevealFromBottom
    • FlipLeftToRight: The top card flips, revealing the new top card on the back.
    • FlipRightToLeft
    • FlipTopToBottom
    • FlipBottomToTop
    • SlideToLeft: The top card slides to the left revealing the new card following from behind. The ms is how long it takes to transfer from one card to the next.
    • SlideToRight
    • SlideToTop
    • SlideToBottom
  • TransitionDuration: (optional) The duration, in milliseconds, that the transition from one card to the next will take to complete. Default value is 500 (0.5 seconds).
  • TransitionDelay: (optional) When specified, the animation does not stop. It continues cycling through the stack in card order with this delay between starting animations. When this parameter is not specified, the animation will not automatically continue on to the next card.