Layout Editor user interface

The Layout Editor interface includes these components: masthead, active card design, card tabs, clipboard, and layout tools. You can collapse and expand the clipboard and layout tools using controls centered along the inside borders of these panes.


The masthead displays the name of the layout being edited and the editable originator. The masthead also provides icons you can click to perform these tasks:

  • Create a new layout.
  • Load an existing layout. When you load a layout, the Load dialog window indicates read-only layouts with a gray font color. Also, the originator is indicated in brackets. Layouts can be loaded in edit or read-only (view) mode.
  • Revert to the saved version of a layout. When you revert to a saved layout, you are prompted to confirm. Any changes since the layout was last saved are discarded and the last saved version of the layout is loaded. If you open the layout in read-only mode, the Revert button is replaced with an Edit button. When you click Edit, the layout is reopened in write mode.
  • Save the layout with a new name.
  • Save a layout. Both the Load and Save dialog windows provide auto-complete functionality to enable a fast search for a particular layout. If you enter part of a layout name into the text box, a drop-down list displays matching layouts.

Active card design

This is where the design of the layout table for a selected card is manipulated. The card contains the grid layout cells, which are used to specify what users see on the portal. You can view and modify properties of the cells.

When you hover over a cell, the cell dimensions are displayed. Cells can be selected by clicking on the cell or by clicking and dragging to draw a rectangle around one or more cells. Cells can be resized by clicking and dragging the bottom or right border of the cell.

Card tabs

At the bottom of the active card design, tabs are displayed for each card used in the selected region of a display layout. You can click a tab to work on the content of that card. Also, you can add a card by clicking the tab with the plus sign (+) or by selecting <New Card> in the drop-down list in the Cards section of the layout tools pane. The Main region can contain only one card.


The clipboard makes it easier to reorganize a display layout, by providing cut and paste functionality for the different parts of a layout table. You can cut and paste unbound cells, property cells, and embedded region cells. Attributes of the cells, including the structure of embedded region cells, is maintained when you cut and paste.

To cut a cell, select the cell in the active card design and click the Cut button on the clipboard. To paste a cell, select the cell in the active card design to paste to. On the clipboard, select the cell to paste and click the Paste button. A cell is not removed from the clipboard when pasted, so you can paste it several times if needed. You can even paste to a different layout, as long as the Layout Editor page is not refreshed when loading a new layout.

When pasting an embedded region, if the embedded region name already exists, the embedded region has to be unbound before it can be pasted.

To delete an entry from the clipboard, click the X on that entry. Or, you can delete all entries from the clipboard by clicking the Erase button.