FDF types
These are format guidelines for the different types of FDFs used in the IPF portals. More information about using the FDF types is provided in Field display formats and formatters.
Format: ["Audio"][Purpose][Justification]
- ["Audio"] is the text "Audio".
- [Purpose] indicates the audio’s purpose.
- [Justification] is used if justification is specified in the initial style. Add Center, Left, or Right to the name. Justifications are typically added in a style on the cell. By default, audio is left-justified.
- AudioCompanyResults
- AudioSalesPitchCenter
Format: ["Barcode"][Type][Width]["x"][Height][Click"][Justification]
- ["Barcode"] is the text "Barcode".
- [Type] is the type of barcode, for example UCP-A or QRCode.
- [Width] is the width in pixels.
- ["x"] is used when Width and Height are specified. Use the letter "x" in lower case as a separator of the two values.
- [Height] is the height in pixels.
- ["Click"] is the text "Click" and is used when the barcode is clickable.
- [Justification] is used if justification is specified in the initial style. Add Center, Left, or Right to the name. Justifications are typically added in a style on the cell. By default, barcodes are centered.
- BarcodeEAM13_150x150Left
- BarcodeUPCA250x150Click
- BarcodeQR120x120
Format: ["Button"][Type][Characteristics]["Click"] [Justification]
- ["Button"] is the text "Button".
- [Type] indicates the button’s purpose, for example, Login or Change Password.
- [Characteristics] indicates color, font, bold, etc. if specified in the initial style.
- ["Click"] is the text "Click" and is used when the button is clickable.
- [Justification] is used if justification is specified in the initial style. Add Center, Left, or Right to the name. Justifications are typically added in a style on the cell. By default, buttons are left-justified.
- ButtonLoginClick
- ButtonFilterGoClick
- ButtonClick
- ButtonChangePasswordClick
Check boxes
Format: ["Checkbox"][Purpose/Property][Justification]
- ["Checkbox"] is the text "Checkbox".
- [Purpose/Property] is the purpose or the name of the property.
- [Justification] is used if justification is specified in the initial style. Add Center, Left, or Right to the name. Justifications are typically added in a style on the cell. By default, check boxes are left-justified.
- CheckboxBackflushed
- CheckBoxAttendingCenter
Data (decimal/text/date)
All data format FDFs are considered re-usable FDFs, since only those with different formatters must be created as FDFs. All styling differences typically are handled by applying different styles to the layout cell, not by creating separate FDFs for styling differences.
Format: [Data Type][Source][FormatDetails]["Click"][Justification]
- [Data type] is the FDF data type being used, such as Text, Decimal, or Date.
- [Source] is the source system where the FDF is stored and is typically SL for , ISM for Infor Service Management, or SP for SharePoint.
- [FormatDetails] is a short descriptor based on what is unique in the formatter of the FDF.
- ["Click"] is the text "Click" and is used when the data is clickable.
- [Justification] is used if justification is specified in the initial style. Add Center, Left, or Right to the name. Justifications are typically added in a style on the cell.
- DecimalSLAmountTotal
- DateClickCenter
- TextPreformattedRight
Format: ["Document"][Source][FormatDetails]["Click"][Justification]
- ["Document"] is the text "Document".
- [Source] is the source system where the document is stored and is typically SL for , ISM for Infor Service Management, or SP for SharePoint.
- [FormatDetails] is the purpose or the name of the document list.
- ["Click"] is the text "Click" and is used when the document is clickable.
- [Justification] is used if justification is specified in the initial style. Add Center, Left, or Right to the name. Justifications are typically added in a style on the cell. By default, documents are left-justified.
- DocumentSLDocumentName
- DocumentSPWhitePapers
- DocumentDocUploadBtn
Drop-down lists
Lists built on a collection and that are candidates for reuse
Format: ["Dropdown"][Collection][Property1, Property2...]
- ["Dropdown"] is the text "Dropdown".
- [Collection] is the IDO name.
- [Property1] is the primary property being searched (no "additional properties").
- [Property2...] is the secondary property in the list (no "additional properties").
- DropdownSLItemsItemDescription
- DropdownSLCosConum
Lists built on a collection that are specific to a page
Format: [PageName][Property1, Property2...]["Dropdown"]
- [PageName] is the name of the page.
- [Property] is the primary property being searched (no "additional properties").
- [Property2...] is the secondary property in the list (no "additional properties").
- ["Dropdown"] is the text "Dropdown".
Inline list dropdown that is reusable
Format: ["Inline"][PropertyContext][Property]
- ["Inline"] is the word "Inline".
- [PropertyContext] is the name of file/collection associated with the property.
- [Property] is the primary property being searched.
- InlineItempricerequestStatus
- InlineYesNo
Inline list dropdown specific to a page
Format: [PageName][Property]["Inline"]
- Page Name] is the name of the page.
- [Property] is the property for the component where the FDF is used.
- ["Inline"] is the text "Inline".
Email links
Format: ["Email"][DisplayType][Purpose]["Click"][Justification]
- ["Email"] is the text "Email".
- [DisplayType] uses these options: "Text" for IPFText, "Button" for IPFButton, "Image" for IPFImage, "ImageSL" for SLImage, "ImageSP" for SPImage.
- [Purpose] indicates the email link’s purpose.
- ["Click"] is the text "Click" and is used when the email link is clickable.
- [Justification] is used if justification is specified in the initial style. Add Center, Left, or Right to the name. Justifications are typically added in a style on the cell. If no justification is specified, the default for the display type is followed.
- EmailButtonSendToManagerClickLeft
- EmailTextNotifySalesPersonClick
- EmailImageSPNewAccountClick
Embedded documents
Format: ["EmbeddedDoc"][Width]["x"][Height][Click"][Justification]
- ["EmbeddedDoc"] is the text "EmbeddedDoc".
- [Width] is the width in pixels.
- ["x"] is used when Width and Height are specified. Use the letter "x" in lower case as a separator of the two values.
- [Height] is the height in pixels.
- ["Click"] is the text "Click" and is used when the embedded document is clickable.
- [Justification] is used if justification is specified in the initial style. Add Center, Left, or Right to the name. Justifications are typically added in a style on the cell. By default, embedded documents are left-justified.
- EmbeddedDoc800x600Center
- EmbeddedDoc120x100Click
Format: ["Gauge"][Type][Purpose][Width]["x"][Height]["Click"][Justification]
- ["Gauge"] is the text "Gauge".
- [Type] uses these options: "Angular", "Bulb", "Cylinder", "HLED", "VLED", "HLinear", "Thermometer".
- [Purpose] indicates the gauge’s purpose.
- [Width] is the width in pixels.
- ["x"] is used when Width and Height are specified. Use the letter "x" in lower case as a separator of the two values.
- [Height] is the height in pixels.
- ["Click"] is the text "Click" and is used when the gauge is clickable.
- [Justification] is used if justification is specified in the initial style. Add Center, Left, or Right to the name. Justifications are typically added in a style on the cell. By default, gauges are centered.
- GaugeThermometerShippedLate150x150Left
- GaugeHLEDProfitPercentage80x50Click
- GaugeCylinderSupportCalls200x120Right
Reusable grid FDFs
Format: ["Grid"][PurposeDetails][Version]
- ["Grid"] is the text "Grid".
- [Purpose] indicates the page or reusable functionality of the grid.
- [Version] indicates the last part of the name when there are different grids for the 320 pixel and 700 pixel responsive formats. If the grid is responsive and can be used on any size viewport, the name ends in 320.
- GridCloseBox
- GridContextMenu
- GridInteractionsPage
- GridDocumentsPage
- ConfigActionBar320
- ConfigActionBar700
Grids specific to a single page
Format: [PageName][ParentLayoutName][Purpose/ChildLayout]["Grid"]
- [PageName] is the page on which the grid is used.
- [ParentLayoutName] is optional and used for only nested grids.
- [Purpose/ChildLayout] is used for nested grids. It is a short descriptor of the child layout.
- ["Grid"] is the text "Grid".
- ContactUsSalesPersonGrid
- OrderStatusHeaderGrid
- OrderStatusDetailGrid
- MasterTopHeaderMenuBarGrid
Format: ["Image"][Source][Width]["x"][Height] ]["Click"][Justification]
- ["Image"] is the text "Image".
- [Source] is the source system where the image is stored and is typically SL for , ISM for Infor Service Management, or SP for SharePoint.
- [Width] is the width in pixels.
- ["x"] is used when Width and Height are specified. Use the letter "x" in lower case as a separator of the two values.
- [Height] is the height in pixels.
- ["Click"] is the text "Click" and is used when the image is clickable.
- [Justification] is used if justification is specified in the initial style. Add Center, Left, or Right to the name. Justifications are typically added in a style on the cell. By default, images are centered.
- Ends with "Exp" when the FDF Expanding option is set to true.
- ImageSP150x100
- ImageSLCategory120x120ClickCenter
- ImageSLItemRight
Format: ["Map"][Width]["x"][Height][Click"][Justification]
- ["Map"] is the text "Map".
- [Width] is the width in pixels.
- ["x"] is used when Width and Height are specified. Use the letter "x" in lower case as a separator of the two values.
- [Height] is the height in pixels.
- ["Click"] is the text "Click" and is used when the map is clickable.
- [Justification] is used if justification is specified in the initial style. Add Center, Left, or Right to the name. Justifications are typically added in a style on the cell. By default, maps are centered.
- Map150x100Click
- Map450x450Right
Format: ["Pager"][Justification]
- ["Pager"] is the text "Pager".
- [Justification] is used if justification is specified in the initial style. Add Center, Left, or Right to the name. Justifications are typically added in a style on the cell. By default, pagers are centered.
- Pager
- PagerLeft
- PagerMore
- PagerAutoMore
Print page
Format: ["Print"][DisplayType][Purpose]["Click"][Justification]
- ["Print"] is the text "Print".
- [DisplayType] uses these options: "Text" for IPFText, "Button" for IPFButton, "Image" for IPFImage, "ImageSL" for SLImage, "ImageSP" for SPImage.
- [Purpose] indicates the print link’s purpose.
- ["Click"] is the text "Click" and is used when the print link is clickable.
- [Justification] is used if justification is specified in the initial style. Add Center, Left, or Right to the name. Justifications are typically added in a style on the cell. If no justification is specified, the default for the display type is followed.
- PrintButtonPrintReportClick
- PrintTextReprintInvoiceClickCenter
Format: ["Video"][Width]["x"][Height]["Click"][Justification]
- ["Video"] is the text "Video".
- [Width] is the width in pixels.
- ["x"] is used when Width and Height are specified. Use the letter "x" in lower case as a separator of the two values.
- [Height] is the height in pixels.
- ["Click"] is the text "Click" and is used when the video is clickable.
- [Justification] is used if justification is specified in the initial style. Add Center, Left, or Right to the name. Justifications are typically added in a style on the cell. By default, videos are centered.
- Ends with "Exp" when the FDF Expanding option is set to true.
- VideoSP320x240
- Video640x480
Web pages
Format: ["WebPage"][Purpose][FilterOption]
- ["WebPage"] is the text "WebPage".
- [Purpose] indicates the web page’s purpose.
- [FilterOption] uses these options:"Filtered" for PassThroughFilter, "RecordFiltered" for RecordFilter, "IsYouTube" for IsYouTubeVideo.
- WebPageProductSpecFiltered
- WebPageSearchGoogleRecordFiltered
- WebPageInstructionalVideoIsYouTube