Standard content development functions

Using the toolbar on the right side of the form, you can perform these functions on components in the Content Development area:

Icon Function Description

Refresh Refreshes the list of components. Click Refresh after making changes in a components list.

Filter Available on only the All Components tab. Filters all components by specified criteria, so only those components are included in the list on the left side of the form. To reset the list to include all components, right-click in the list and select Reset Filter.

Edit In most cases, select a component to enable the Edit button, and then click Edit to enable properties on the form for editing. A custom content version (editable originator) is required before you can edit components.

On the Field Display Formats tab, clicking Edit opens the selected FDF in the FDF Editor.

On the Layouts tab, the Edit button is not available for use, because you must right-click the UI, Client Script, or Server Script of a layout to open the Layout Editor or your script editor.

Save Saves changes you make to a component.

Lock Locks a component so no other user can work on it at the same time. Components are locked automatically when edited. To unlock a component, you must select it and then click Revert, or export the component.

Revert Unlocks a component and rolls back to the previous version. If no previous version exists, the component is deleted.

New Creates a new component and adds it to the editable content version. Click the button to open a dialog box for specifying a unique name for the component. Other settings may also be required, depending on the component type. When you click OK, your new component is added to the grid.

Copy Copies the component and adds it to the editable content version. Click the button to open a dialog box for specifying a new and unique name for the component. When you click OK, your new component is added to the grid.

Delete Deletes the component.

Create locale folder Available on the Style Families and All Components tabs. Allows you to add folders for different locales.