Displaying regions

Except for the special header regions, which have some specific pre-defined behavior, floating regions are rendered but not visible anywhere on the page. In order to make a region visible, it must be placed. These are the available place APIs:


context.GetRegion(region).Place(myPoint, referenceRegion, referencePoint, transition, transitionTime)

context.GetRegion(region).Place(myPoint, referenceRegion, referencePoint, xOffset, yOffset)

context.GetItems().GetItem(n).GetRegion(region).Place(myPoint, referenceRegion, referencePoint, xOffset, yOffset)


  • region: The name of the region to place.
  • myPoint: Point specification for region. The point specification details are described in the next section.
  • referenceRegion: The name of the region at which the region being placed is positioned.
  • referencePoint: Point specification for atReferenceRegion.
  • xOffset: Optional parameter indicating an additional offset to apply on the X axis, which is as a percentage of the width of atReferenceRegion. Default value is 0%. It must follow one of these formats:
    • <number>%x
    • <number>%X
    • +<number>%x
    • +<number>%X
    • -<number>%x
    • -<number>%X

      Two examples are: 25%x, -25%x

  • yOffset: Optional parameter indicating an additional offset to apply on the Y axis, which is as a percentage of the height of atReferenceRegion. Default value is 0%. It must follow a similar format to the xOffset with x replaced with y.

If the region has already been placed, placing it again will move it to the new location. The most recently placed region is on top.

To remove a region, after it has been placed, use the displace method. Any regions placed relative to a displaced region are also displaced.

