Email API common parameters

This section further explains common parameters of these email API signatures:

To: List<string>

This collection of strings contains the recipient addresses for the email. If any string in the collection is null, empty, or does not fit the format of an email address, it is ignored.

CC: List<string>

This collection of strings contains the carbon-copy recipient addresses for the email. Invalid strings or a null or empty list are ignored.

BCC: List<string>

This collection of strings contains the blind-carbon-copy recipient addresses for the email. Invalid strings or a null or empty list are ignored.

The To, CC, and BCC fields cannot all be empty or ignored. If this happens, an exception is thrown.

Subject: <string>

This if for the subject line of the message. If this is null or empty, the message will not have a subject


IPFDocumentCollectionI: This is for the collection of documents used as attachments in the email message. If this collection is null or empty, it is ignored.

Message size limits are set by the SMTP server. If a message is larger than the SMTP server will allow, the API throws an exception.

The sender field is not present in any of the API signatures. It is set to the email address of the user who is calling the API. If the caller has no email address, then these APIs throw an exception.