Page Editor user interface
The Page Editor provides navigation of the master FDF layout, so you can easily locate its components. The Page Editor includes these components: masthead, card layout, and tools.
The masthead displays the name of the page being edited and the editable originator. The masthead also provides buttons you can click to perform these tasks:
- Create a new page.
- Load an existing page. When you load a page, the Load dialog window indicates read-only pages with a gray font color. Also, the originator is indicated in brackets. Pages can be loaded in edit or read-only (view) mode.
- Revert to the saved version of a page. When you revert to a saved page, you are prompted for confirmation. Any changes since the page was last saved are discarded and the last saved version of the page is loaded. If you open the page in read-only mode, the button is replaced with an button. When you click , the page is reopened in write mode.
- Save the page with a new name.
- Save a page. Both the Load and Save dialog windows provide auto-complete functionality to enable a fast search for a particular page. If you enter part of a page name into the text box, a drop-down list shows matching pages.
The currently logged in user is also displayed in the masthead. To log out this user, hover over the name and click
.Card layout
The card layout area shows the layout of the master FDF. Overridden FDFs are highlighted.
The tools pane provides options for working on these parts of a page layout: Page, Regions, Cards, Embedded Regions, and Cell. Also, a Preview field is provided for selecting whether a preview of the current layout should be shown and with which style family.
- Page: In the Page section, you can
do these things:
- Select the master FDF.
- Set the page title and style.
- Specify whether to allow smart navigation for the page, if applicable. See Smart navigation.
- Select or clear an FDF override. The original component FDF bindings are
listed in the Original
FDFs list. To override a component FDF binding, select
an FDF in either of the two lists. Overridden component FDFs are listed
in the Overridden
FDFs list. To clear the override, click the button next
to the entry.
To find the cell in the master FDF layout containing the component, click the component name in one of the lists. The relevant region and card layout is displayed in the card layout area and the cell is highlighted when the component name is clicked.
If the master FDF is changed, some component names that currently are overridden may not exist in the new master FDF. If an overridden component name is missing, a drop-down is displayed instead of the component name, containing the currently unbound components (components without an FDF binding). Missing overrides are not persisted when a page is saved.
- Regions, Cards, and Embedded Regions: These sections contain the respective parts of the master FDF layout and are used for navigation within the layout. This is similar to how the Layout Editor works, but without the possibility of editing the layout.
- Cell: The currently selected component is shown in the cell section. Also shown is the FDF the component was bound to in the master FDF (Original FDF) and the FDF the component has been overridden to use (Overridden FDF).
- Preview: To get a better
understanding of how the current page will look at runtime, you can preview a
card in the Page Editor.
The preview function consists of two parts: the control for selecting to use Preview and the preview style family, and the preview display area. The cells of the page are rendered in demo mode in the preview area.
The preview area can be resized by clicking and dragging on the separator between the page and the preview area.
When a cell is selected, either in the design area or the preview area, the corresponding cell is highlighted in the other area.