Element state modifier

An element state is a modifier that can be put on a style to affect when the style is applied. The syntax is StyleName:State(AnyParameters); for example, ipf-backgroundcolor:hover(#FFCC80).

Using a state modifier on a style makes the style take effect only when the state is fulfilled. For example, in the case of hover, the user must be hovering over the element.

Note: If both a style context modifier and an element state modifier are used, then the style context modifier has to be listed first.

The currently supported element states are:

  • Active: When the element is clicked.
  • Focus: When the element has focus.
  • Hover: When the element is hovered over.

Examples: ipf-backgroundcolor@content:hover(#FFCC80) on the password text boxes.

Not hovering:


ipf-backgroundcolor@content:focus(#000000) and ipf-color@content:focus(#FFFFFF) on the password text boxes.

Not in focus:

In focus: