Adding Farm Manager users

Initially, only the IPF database access user account can access the Farm Manager. To give additional users or groups permissions to work with the Farm Manager, follow these steps:

  1. In the Farm Manager, select Farm Configuration > IPF Control.
  2. Click Edit.
  3. Perform one of these tasks:
    • To assign permissions to one or more existing users, click New next to the Accounts box. Specify the authentication type. For SQL Server authentication, specify the user name and click OK. For Windows authentication, find and select the user(s) and click OK.
      Note: When adding a SQL Server authentication user, the user must already exist and have dbo permissions in the IPF Control Database.
    • To assign permissions to one or more existing user groups, click New next to the Groups box. Find and select the group(s) to assign and click OK.
  4. Click Save.