Managing IPF versions

An IPF version is a package of Infor Portal Foundation architecture code. New architecture releases from Infor are delivered as IPF versions.

To manage IPF versions, select Farm Configuration > IPF Versions and use the toolbar options. These tasks are performed on the IPF Versions tab:

  • Import an IPF version
  • Update an IPF version
  • Delete an IPF version

Importing an IPF version

An IPF version contains the IPF architecture for a particular release. In a multi-server environment, you can use the Farm Manager to import the .zip file. This uploads the new version into the IPF Control Database. Steps are provided in the portal installation guide topic about upgrading.

Updating an IPF version

To update an IPF version, you can change only the description.

Deleting an IPF version

You can delete the IPF version only when no servers are using it.