Errors when updating an existing certificate on a host name
Job Name: UpdateDigitalCertificateOnHostName
Possible Error:
- Child job failed.
No message is displayed. The host name remains locked.
To resolve, examine the child job(s) for failure, to determine the appropriate action.
Job Name: UpdateDigitalCertificateOnHostNameToServer
Parent Job: UpdateDigitalCertificateOnHostName
Possible Errors:
- Unable to import certificate into IIS.
This message is displayed: "Unable to import certificate into IIS: {errmsg)"
To resolve, if the error is due to an IIS configuration issue, fix and retry the job. If the certificate is invalid, cancel the job and import a valid certificate. Cancelling the job leaves the server idle.
- Unable to create binding for IIS site.
This message is displayed: "Unable to create binding of '{0}' for FarmName '{1}', IPFInstanceName '{2}': {errmsg}"
To resolve, fix the IIS configuration issue and retry the job. Cancelling the job leaves the server idle.