Open the Warranty Claim Reconciliation form.
Use these fields to select the value or combination of values that you want to
use to populate the results in the grid, to display the invoice that you want to
- Vendor
- Submittal Authorization
- Invoice
- Claim Status
Click Apply Filter to populate the
grid with the appropriate invoice(s).
This information is displayed in the grid, where applicable:
- Invoice number
- SRO number
- Submittal authorization number
- Total billed amount
- Total paid amount
- Currency
- Adjustment amount
- Customer number
- Bill to override customer number
- Vendor number
- Claim status
Specify the Total Paid value. This
value is provided by vendor, depending on how you have set up communication with
Click Mark Accepted.
In header section of the form, in the Claim
Status field, select To Be Reconciled.
Click Apply Filter to re-populate
the grid with the updated invoice.
Click Mark Reconciled.
If the amount that was paid meets the Claim
Tolerance value, specified on the Vendors
form, then the claim is reconciled. If the amount does not meet the tolerance
value, use the Warranty Claim Adjustment Posting form to
reconcile the claim.
Use the buttons on the form as described here:
- Click View Invoices to open the
Order Invoice Listing form, filtered for the current
- Click Resubmit Claim to regenerate the Add
WarrantyClaimBOD and send it to ION.
- Click Mark Accepted to accept the Total Paid amount.
- Click Mark Reconciled to mark the claim as
reconciled. If integrated with SX.e, the system sends a BOD to SX.e to confirm
that the claim was reconciled.
- Click Print Warranty Claim to print the