Searching for a Location on the Map
- Open the Map form.
- In the location search bar, specify an address or the name of a business.
- Click Search. A search is performed for the address or business in the approximate area currently displayed on the map. A successful search shows a pushpin on the location. Click on a pushpin to see address information.
To save the location on the map, click
Save Pushpin.
The location is then added to the List of Locations group box. Any locations that have been saved or imported from the Schedules form are displayed in the list. Double-click on an entry to zoom in and focus on that location on the map.
- Optionally, click Add Company to add the your stored company location to the map as a push pin.
- Optionally, click Get Directions or Get Optimized Directions, after adding multiple locations, to generate turn-by-turn directions on the Directions tab.
- Click Reset to remove all unsaved search results from the map.
- Click Clear All to clear all search results from the map.