Resolving Conflicts in Customers Associated with Units
This topic describes resolving conflicts for customer/unit
The Unit Customer Conflict form is launched when a conflict arises between the customer assigned to a unit and the customer currently associated with the unit through an incident or an order.
Use these buttons to correct the conflict:
- : Change the customer on the incident or service order based on the unit customer and saves the record.
- : Changes the customer of the unit and saves the record.
- : Continues with save and does not change the customer on the unit or on the incident/order.
Use this example as a reference:
Unit number 505 has been set up on the Units form with customer number 12. The user goes to a service order line where the SRO customer is 19. If serialized unit 505 is used on the line, the modal Unit Customer Conflict form is displayed upon attempting to save the record. The user can choose whether to update the customer on the SRO, update the customer record on the Units form, or not to update either one.