Parts Fulfillment Overview

The parts needed to install or repair a component are not always available in inventory. In these cases, purchase orders are created and linked to the service request. If service work depends on receipt of the part, resources might be shuffled to other tasks to reduce resource downtime.

The Parts Fulfillment feature alerts the service department when the part has been received by the purchasing department, so the service scheduling manager can reactivate the tasks and dispatch a resource.


Use the settings in the Parts Fulfillment tab of the Service Parameters form to set up this feature. If you do not want to use the Parts Fulfillment functionality, set the Parts Fulfillment Mode to Manual on that form.

You can also set up Awaiting Parts and Parts Received actions at the system level on the Service Parameters form.

When a PO is created from a planned material transaction, the Awaiting Parts Actions are triggered. If the Change Working Status To field is populated, the SRO Working Status is changed. The same is true with the Change Priority Code To value. You can also choose to automatically clear the To Be Scheduled field so that the Scheduler does not see the SRO on the scheduling board.

When the PO linked to the planned material transaction is received, the Parts Received Actions are triggered. In addition to the Working Status, Priority Code, and To Be Scheduled data alteration options, the user is provided with a simple email notification solution. A static list of email substitutions is supported so that the text of the email body can present dynamic data.

Process Flow

Purchase orders are created to meet the material requirements of a planned material transaction. When a planned material transaction is linked to an outstanding purchase order, the Working Status, Priority, and To Be Scheduled fields can be configured to indicate that incidents and SROs are awaiting parts. Also, the scheduling board can be configured to display different colors based on Priority Code and Working Status. When the Awaiting Parts actions change these values, the colors of the tasks on the scheduling board are changed.

See Using Parts Fulfillment for more information.

Awaiting Parts Field

The Service Orders form, Service Order Lines form, Service Order Operations form, and Incidents form all contain an Awaiting Parts field that indicates whether at least one planned material transaction linked to an unreceived purchase order exists.

For example, a planned material transaction is linked to an unreceived PO for SRO number S000000001, Line 2, Operation 30. If no other planned material transactions are awaiting parts, the Awaiting Parts field is set as follows:

SRO S000000001 Level Value
SRO Header True
SRO Line 1 False
SRO Line 2 True
SRO Line 2, Oper 10 False
SRO Line 2, Oper 20 True
Incident of SRO True


The Awaiting Parts Actions can affect the To Be Scheduled field. As incidents and SROs are created and set as To Be Scheduled, the system can automatically clear the To Be Scheduled field so that the task is not displayed in the scheduling board. Views within Scheduling support a filter to exclude incidents and SROs that are not flagged as To Be Scheduled. Use this filter to prevent the Scheduler from considering tasks that are not ready to be scheduled.

For tasks that have been scheduled, a Red Hand icon is displayed, to alert the dispatcher that parts are on order.

Parts Received Email Notification Substitution List

In order to dynamically display service data upon delivery of a notification email, you must configure the email body with programmatic substitutions, using this format:


These are the supported tables and their aliases:

Table Alias
SRO (fs_sro) fs_sro
Incident (fs_incident) fs_incident
SRO Lead Partner / Incident Owner (fs_partner) Owner


These are examples to show the use of the email body substitutions:

