Viewing the Details for SRO Pricing/Billing

  1. On the Service Orders form, select the order for which you want to view details.
  2. Click Price/Billing Detail to open the SRO Price/Billing Details form.
  3. This information is displayed for the SRO:
    The service order number is displayed.
    The customer associated with the service order is displayed.
    Total Price
    The total price of the invoice is displayed.
    The total amount of freight charges is displayed.
    Miscellaneous Charges
    The total amount of any miscellaneous charges is displayed.
    Discount Amount
    The total amount discounted is displayed.
    Sales Tax (Price)
    The sales tax amount is displayed.
    Net Price
    The net price of the invoice is displayed.
    Total Billed
    The total amount billed is displayed.
    Accumulated Freight
    The total accumulated freight charge is displayed.
    Accumulated Miscellaneous Charges
    The total accumulated miscellaneous charge is displayed.
    Accumulated Discount
    The total accumulated discount is displayed.
    Sales Tax (Billing)
    The sales tax amount is displayed.
    Sales Amount
    The sales amount is displayed.
    Total Invoiced
    The invoice total is displayed.
    Amount Paid
    The amount paid is displayed.
    Amount Adjusted
    The adjusted amount after invoicing is displayed.
    Outstanding Balance
    The amount remaining to be paid is displayed.