Viewing the Details for SRO Pricing/Billing
On the Service
Orders form, select the order for which you want to view
Click Price/Billing
Detail to open the SRO Price/Billing
Details form.
This information is displayed for the SRO:
- The service order number is displayed.
- Customer
- The customer associated with the service order is displayed.
- Total Price
- The total price of the invoice is displayed.
- Freight
- The total amount of freight charges is displayed.
- Miscellaneous Charges
- The total amount of any miscellaneous charges is displayed.
- Discount Amount
- The total amount discounted is displayed.
- Sales Tax (Price)
- The sales tax amount is displayed.
- Net Price
- The net price of the invoice is displayed.
- Total Billed
- The total amount billed is displayed.
- Accumulated Freight
- The total accumulated freight charge is displayed.
- Accumulated Miscellaneous Charges
- The total accumulated miscellaneous charge is displayed.
- Accumulated Discount
- The total accumulated discount is displayed.
- Sales Tax (Billing)
- The sales tax amount is displayed.
- Sales Amount
- The sales amount is displayed.
- Total Invoiced
- The invoice total is displayed.
- Amount Paid
- The amount paid is displayed.
- Amount Adjusted
- The adjusted amount after invoicing is displayed.
- Outstanding Balance
- The amount remaining to be paid is displayed.