Creating a Service Order Pre-Packing Slip

Use the SRO Pre-Packing Slip form to preview the list of items to be shipped for SROs.

Note: The SRO transactions included on the form must be actual transactions and must not be one of these types:
  • Inventory issue
  • Inventory return
  • Exchange shipment
  • Exchange return
  • Loaner shipment
  • Loaner return
The transactions included should be customer type transactions.

To generate the list:

  1. Open the SRO Pre-Packing Slip form.
  2. Specify this information:
    Select the range of service request orders to include for the report.
    Select the range of SRO lines to include for the report.
    Select the range of SRO operations to include for the report.
    Select the range of customers to include for the report.
    Open Date
    Select the range of open dates to include for the report.
    Transaction Date
    Select the range of transaction dates to include for the utility.
    Select the status of the SRO Operations to consider related to the packing slip.
    Pack Date
    Select the date the order is packed for shipment. The current date is the default value.
    Ship To Address
    Select the address to print on the report.
  3. Select the print options to include.
  4. Click Preview to view the list before printing.
  5. Click Print to generate and print the list.