Billing Service Orders

The Service Order Billing Console is designed to improve visibility of complex information for billing managers. The billing manager is provided the price, cost, and margin information sub-totaled in numerous ways to assist in the billing review process.

If the user is associated to a Service Partner, then the Partner ID will default in the Billing Manager field. Even though billing can be performed at the SRO Operation level, this form gives a higher level view of the entire SRO's billing status. These are the key columns that help a billing manager determine billing readiness:

  • Ready To Invoice: The SRO will have an Open status and an Operation status of Invoice, the SRO may have a Project Fixed Operation that has an unbilled amount (i.e. Actual Transactions that have been recently posted that have not been included in a previous invoice run). This calculation includes Line Material, Operation Labor/Material/Miscellaneous Transactions.
  • Has Unposted Trans: When this column is check it alerts the billing manager that actual transactions have been entered but not posted, thus will not be picked up by invoicing
  • Project Percent Complete: The percent complete could be calculated at the operation level summing the total planned price from SRO transactions and comparing it to the total actual price from SRO transactions. This will be done even though the amount being billed is coming from the Operation Total Price. Only operations that are not closed will be considered.
  • Various Totals: The rest of the total fields sum up the values from the SRO operation and line as their label suggests.

Leverage the designer mode to create a personalized Billing Console form by Form User or Group. Through rearranging columns by order of importance and hiding columns which do not pertain to a specific user or group, the usability of the Billing Console can be increased.

Specify this information on the Service Order Billing Console:

  1. Specify this information in the Filter section:
    Billing Manager
    Select the billing manager. The default value is the partner ID associated to the current user.
    Specific SRO
    Select a specific SRO to filter on.
    Working Status
    Select the working status to use to filter for the SRO.
    Include Only Ready to Invoice
    Select this check box to only include operations that meet the user-defined filters and are of Invoice status.
    Include Bill Hold
    Select this check box  to include SRO operations that are marked as on Bill Hold.
    Use these fields to filter to a specific customer range.
    Use these fields to filter to a specific region.
    Use these fields to filter to a specific salesperson range.
  2. Click Apply Filter after each filter is applied to regenerate the Detail section.
  3. In the grid, select the SRO for which you want to perform an action. This information is displayed in the grid:
    A description of the service order.
    The customer number.
    Bill To Name
    The name of the customer you are billing to.
    Auto Close SRO After Invoicing
    This check box is selected if the SRO is set to automatically close after invoicing.
    Partial Billing
    This check box is selected if partial billing is enabled.
    Bill Status
    The billing status of the SRO.
    Ready to Invoice
    This check box is selected if the SRO is ready to be invoiced.
    Has Unposted Trans
    This check box is selected if the SRO has unposted transactions.
    Has Unposted Planned Trans
    This check box is selected if the SRO has unposted planned transactions.

    When Consider Planned for Partial Billing is selected and Partial Billing is cleared on the Service Parameters form, the Has Unposted Planned Trans field is used to determine if invoicing is allowed. If the SRO has unposted planned transactions that are sourced, meaning there is a cross-reference type and number, then the field is selected and invoicing is prevented.

    The region assigned to the customer.
    Total Price
    The price of the SRO excluding freight, miscellaneous, and tax charges.
    Total Billed
    The invoiced charges of the SRO including freight, miscellaneous, and tax amounts.
    Total On Hold
    The price of all Project Fixed operations on hold plus the price of all transaction which are on hold where operation bill type is Calculated T/M.
    Total Invoice Status
    The price of all Project Fixed operations where the operation status is set to Invoice plus the price of all transactions where operation bill type is Calculated T/M and the operation status is Invoice.
    Total Open Status
    The price of all Project Fixed operations where the operation status is set to Open plus the price of all transaction where operation bill type is Calculated T/M and the operation status is Open.
    Total Close Status
    The price of all Project Fixed operations where the operation status is set to Closed plus the price of all transaction where operation bill type is Calculated T/M and the operation status is Closed.
    Project Fixed
    The price of only operations where the bill type is Project Fixed.
    Project Percent Complete
    The total planned price from SRO transactions compared to the total actual price from SRO transactions for all operations which are not closed (regardless of SRO Operation Bill Type).
    Total Calculated T/M
    The planned transaction prices of only operations where the bill type is Calculated T/M (and are not closed).
    Total Actual Calculated T/M
    The actual transaction prices of only operations where the bill type is Calculated T/M (and are not closed).
    Total Planned Matl
    The planned material transaction prices of only operations where the bill type is Calculated T/M (and are not closed).
    Total Actual Matl
    The actual material transaction prices of only operations where the bill type is Calculated T/M (and are not closed).
    Total Planned Labor
    The planned labor transaction prices of only operations where the bill type is Calculated T/M (and are not closed).
    Total Actual Labor
    The actual labor transaction prices of only operations where the bill type is Calculated T/M (and are not closed).
    Total Planned Misc
    The planned miscellaneous transaction prices of only operations where the bill type is Calculated T/M (and are not closed).
    Total Actual Misc
    The actual miscellaneous transaction prices of only operations where the bill type is Calculated T/M (and are not closed).
    Total Planned Cost
    Sums the all planned transaction costs of only operations where the bill type is Calculated T/M (and are not closed).
    Total Cost
    The cost all actual transactions plus the cost of each Project Fixed operation
    Total Margin
    1 - ((Total Price - Total Cost) / Total Price)
    Total Planned Margin
    1 - ((Total Planned Price - Total Planned Cost) / Total Planned Price)
  4. Perform desired actions using these buttons in the Action section:
    • Click Select All to mark all SROs in the totals grid as selected.
    • Click Deselect All to deselect all SROs in the totals grid as selected.
    • Click Apply Bill Hold to put all selected SROs on Bill Hold.
    • Click Remove Bill Hold to take all selected SROs off Bill Hold.
    • Click Set To Invoice to change the operation status of all selected SROs to Invoice.
    • Click Set To Open to change the operation status of all selected SROs to Open.

The SRO structure (Header, lines, operations, & SRO Notes) is displayed in the Detail tree view for the highlighted SRO.

The Notes grid lists all SRO Notes specific to the highlighted row in the totals grid. The area below the grid shows the full notes content.

The amounts displayed in the SRO Totals Breakout section are dynamically dependent on the mode: Price, Cost, or Margin. As each mode is selected, the user is provided a detailed breakdown of amounts in various buckets.

Use these buttons on the form as described here:

  • Click Invoice Milestones to open the Service Order Invoice Milestones form, filtered for the milestones that are ready to be processed.
  • Click Revenue Milestones to open the Service Order Revenue Milestones form, filtered for the milestones that are ready to be processed.
  • Click Revenue Milestone Posting to open the Revenue Milestone Posting form, where you can process the selected revenue milestones.
  • Click SROs to open the Service Orders form filtered for the current SRO.
  • Click SRO Lines to open the Service Order Lines form filtered for the current SRO.
  • Click SRO Operations to open the Service Order Operations form filtered for the current SRO.
  • Click SRO Transactions to open the Service Order Transactions form filtered for the current SRO.
  • Click Orders To Be Invoiced to open the SRO To Be Invoiced Report filtered for the current SRO.
  • Click SRO Invoicing to open the Service Order Invoicing form filtered for the current SRO.