Using the Service Work Entry Form
The Service Work Entry form provides a starting
point for viewing information about a partner's service work.
The form includes these sections:
- Navigation links
- User name and partner name of currently logged in user
- Critical number gauges for the partner
- Critical number gauges for the department of the current partner
Ways to Use this Form
This information is displayed for the partner:
- User name of the currently logged in user.
- Partner ID of the currently logged in user.
- The picture assigned to the partner, if applicable. To upload a picture, see Storing Pictures for Key Data.
Use the Quick links as described here:
- Click Partner Console, filtered for the currently logged in partner. to open the
- Click Quotes form, where you can add a new quote for a service order or opportunity. to open the
- Click SRO Material Entry form, where you can perform SRO material transactions. to open the
- Click SRO Labor Entry form, where you can perform SRO labor transactions for a partner. to open the
- Click SRO Miscellaneous Entry form, where you can add SRO miscellaneous transactions. to open the
- Click Units form. to launch the
- Click to open a DataView listing customer information.
Use the critical number gauges to quickly view data for both the current partner and the partner's department. These values are displayed for partners and departments:
- Hours Worked Today
- Hours Worked This Week
- Incidents Logged
- Late Incidents
- Service Orders Assigned
- SRO Operations Assigned