Adding Service Order Transactions

  1. Open the Service Order Transactions form.
  2. In the Filter section, specify this information to filter for service order transactions:
    Partner ID
    Select the partner associated with the service order transaction.
    Select the unique alphanumeric used to identify the service order.
    Select the number assigned to the service order line.
    The operation number associated with the service order line is displayed.
    Select the type of transaction that you are adding:
    • Actual: Transactions that have been issued to a service order.
    • Planned: Transactions used to record a plan of the amount of material, labor, and miscellaneous transactions that will be required for the service order.
    • Estimate: Transactions used to estimate the work for a service order.
    Note: Different fields are displayed based on the type of transaction that you are working with.

    By default, new planned transactions are marked as consumed in the Consumed column on the grid section of planned transactions. To mark by default new planned transactions as not consumed, clear the Default Consumed On Planned Transactions check box on the Service Parameters form.

    You can use the Consumed column to manually indicate whether a planned transaction is consumed or not, without drilling into the transaction. This feature is also available in the ISM mobile application.

    If the selected transaction type is Planned or Estimate, the Alternate Address column indicates that an alternate address has been specified for the miscellaneous vendor.

    Date Range
    Select the range of calendar dates to include in the results.
    Document Number
    Select the range of document numbers to include.
    Include Posted
    Select this check box to include posted transactions in the results.
    Include Unposted
    Select this check box to include transactions as part of the results.
    Include Templates
    Select this check box to include transactions of service order templates in the grids.
    Additional Filters Button
    Click this button to open the Service Order Transactions Filters form.
    Clear Filter Button
    Click this button to clear any currently populated filter options.
    Apply Filter Button
    Click this button to filter for results based on the selected options.
  3. Where applicable, specify information in these fields, which are shared in the grids on some of the tabs:
    This check box indicates whether or not the transaction has been posted to the service order.
    Bill Hold
    Select this check box to put the service order operation or transaction on billing hold.
    The partner is displayed.
    This read-only check box is selected if the record was processed during a payroll generation. This can only happen if the Include Service Orders field is selected on the Generate Payroll form.
    Transaction Date
    Select the date to use for posting this transaction. The current date is the default value.
    The unique alphanumeric used to identify the service order is displayed.
    The number assigned to the service order line is displayed.
    The operation number associated with the service order line is displayed.
    The authorization number from a purchase order made in the mobile app is displayed. If you click X-Ref to create a new PO or PO requisition or update an existing one, this authorization number is copied to the PO or PO requisition.
    Specify the number or amount of units/items to be used on transaction, order, and so on.
    Select the default warehouse to use for the service order.
    Post Date
    Select the month, day, and year that will be assigned for account posting.
    Margin %
    The margin percent is displayed. This value is calculated by dividing the value in WIP Relieved field by the value in the Total Revenue field and subtracting this percentage from 100%.
    Select the department out of which the partner works.
    Billing Code
    See Billing Code.
    Cost Type
    Select a cost type from the list. This selected cost type from Distribution SX.e is used to populate service order material transactions. By default, the value in the Cost Type field that is set on the Integration Parameters form is selected.
    Include Addons
    To include add-ons, select this check box.
    Material Cost
    Specify the total amount of material cost.
    Labor Cost
    Specify the total amount of labor cost.
    Fovhd Cost
    Specify the total amount of fixed overhead cost.
    Vovhd Cost
    Specify the total amount of variable overhead cost.
    Outside Cost
    Specify the total cost of the outside services portion for the current item.
    Unit Cost
    Specify the unit cost of the item. The amount is calculated as follows: Unit Cost = Material Cost + Labor Cost + Fixed Overhead Cost + Variable Overhead Cost + Outside Cost

    These cost fields are enabled or disabled based on other fields, such as the Impact Inventory check box, whether or not the partner is reimbursed for material, and if the transaction is a planned, estimate or actual transaction.

    Unit Price
    Specify the amount being charged for the material.
    Price Currency
    Select the currency type in which the item price is listed. The currency codes are set up and maintained through the Currency Codes form.
    Specify the discount that will be given to the service order transaction.
    Note: If you are integrated with Distribution SX.e, the discount percentage is populated through an API that is called from Distribution SX.e. Only percentage type discounts are supported when integrated with Distribution SX.e.
    Cost Currency
    The currency type in which the item cost is listed. The currency codes are set up and maintained through the Currency Codes form.
    Tax Code
    Select the tax code, which represents how the sales tax is calculated. Selections are set up and maintained through the Tax Codes form.
    Sales Tax
    Specify the amount of sales tax to be charged to the service order transaction.
    Ext Cost
    The extended cost of the transaction line item is displayed. This value is determined by multiplying the Quantity field by the Unit Cost field.
    Ext Price
    The extended price of the transaction line item is displayed. This value is determined by multiplying the Quantity field by the Unit Price field.
    Estimated Sales Tax
    Specify the amount of estimated tax on the transaction. Estimated sales tax is only calculated when both the service order's Not to Exceed field is greater than 0.00 and (Include in NTE Calculation) Taxes is selected on the Service Order tab of the Service Parameters form
    Transaction Number
    A system-generated number used to identify the specific transaction is displayed.
    Post Date
    This field is blank by default. After the posting process is completed, the date the transaction was posted is displayed.
    The number of the invoice that corresponds to that transaction is displayed.
    Transaction Number
    A system-generated number used to identify the specific transaction is displayed.
    The customer number is displayed.
    The customer name is displayed.
    If the transaction is cross-referenced, the reference is displayed.
    Reference Number
    If the transaction is cross-referenced, the reference number is displayed.
    Reference Line Suffix
    If the transaction is cross-referenced, the reference line suffix is displayed.
    Reference Release
    If the transaction is cross-referenced, the reference release is displayed.
    X-Ref button
    Click this button to add or update a cross-reference for the transaction.

    If you are cross-referencing a purchase order, and there is a mobile authorization number assigned to the purchase order, it is pulled in on the cross-reference.

    Multi-line Sourcing
    Click this button to open the Service Order Transaction Multi-Line Sourcing form. You can use this form to cross-reference multiple planned material transactions on a service order to a single same vendor.
    Bill Status
    The current billing status of the transaction is displayed.
    Sign Off and Date
    The partner and date entered on the Service Order Operations form when the operation is signed off is displayed.
    The descriptions from each of the service orders, lines and operations is displayed.
    Pick List Printed
    If the order line has been previously printed on a pick list, this check box is selected.
  4. Specify this information on the Material tab:
    Transaction Type
    Select the type of material transaction that is being performed on a service order.
    The item number is displayed.
    Impact Inventory
    Select this check box if you want the transaction to affect inventory levels. This check box is disabled for service order transactions with the type of loaner.
    Customer Item
    Select the customer item. These are maintained on the Customer Item Cross References form.
    Select the abbreviation for the unit of measure used to quantify the number of units or items.
    Item Description
    A brief description of the item is displayed.
    Select the warehouse location to use for the material transaction.
    If the transaction involves a serial tracked item, select the lot for the warehouse location to use for the material transaction.
    Reason Code
    For a customer return transaction, select the reason code.
    Quantity Posted
    The number of items that have been posted to the SRO is displayed.
    Qty Remaining
    The difference between the quantity issued to the SRO and the quantity posted to the SRO is displayed.
    SPA Number
    The unique identification of a special pricing agreement record is displayed.
    Exchange Date
    Select the date on which the exchange transaction is to occur.
    Select the nature of transaction code. These codes are used in the European Community to identify the characteristics of various transactions used in the system. Selections are set up and maintained using the Nature of Transaction Codes form.
    NOTC Description
    The nature of transaction code description is displayed. This value is set on the Nature of Transaction Codes form.
    Delivery Terms
    Select a code for the terms of delivery.
    Delivery Terms Description
    The description of the terms of delivery is displayed.
    Process Indicator
    Select the process indicator code. This code is used by the system in calculating the EC Sales List Report for companies in European Community countries. The Activate EC Reporting option on the General tab of the General Parameters form must be selected in order for this field to be used.
    EC Code
    Select the two-character European Community (EC) code. On some forms, this field is read-only.
    Select the code for the country where the item originated and is only required in certain European Community (EC) countries.
    Specify the code to be used for this particular commodity.If your company is in a European Community (EC) country, refer to the EC and/or Intrastat regulations when classifying your commodities. For example, jigsaw puzzles might have a commodity code of 9503.60. All items using this commodity code must be measurable in the same units and supplementary units.

    Commodity codes are defined on the Commodity Codes form. On some other forms, the Commodity Code value defaults from the commodity code entered for the related item on the Items form.

    Supply Units
    The quantity of supply units is displayed.
    Unit Weight
    The default unit weight from the Items form is displayed.
    SSD Value
    The export value for SSD is displayed.
    The consignment number is displayed.
    Vendor Drop Ship
    This check box is selected if the transaction is drop shipped to the vendor.

    If you are integrated with Distribution SX.e, the Vendor Drop Ship check box is disabled. When this check box is selected, it indicates that the transaction is a direct ship.

    Packing Slip
    Select the system-generated packing slip number.
    Drop Ship To
    See Drop Ship To.
    Serials Button
    Click this button to open the Service Serials modal form. This form can be used to view or generate serial numbers for the associated item.
    Return to Vendor Button
    For actual transactions, click this button to begin the process of returning a material to a vendor.
    Reset Cost Button
    For planned or estimate transactions, click this button to recalculate the individual and extended cost values.
    SX.e Product Inquiry
    If you are integrated with Distribution SX.e and working in the web platform, then this button is visible and enabled when the item on the current transaction is not blank. Click the button to open Product Availability Inquiry in Distribution SX.e.
    Pull Current SX.e Inventory
    If you are integrated with Distribution SX.e, then this button is visible and enabled when the item and warehouse on the current transaction are not blank. Click the button to update the item/warehouse Item On Hand quantity and Allocated Order quantity with the amounts from Distribution SX.e.

    Newly pulled serial numbers are available for selection on the Serials form, which you can access on the Material tab on the Service Order Transactions form. This button is also available in the uplifted Service Order Transactions form.

  5. Specify this information on the Labor tab:
    Total Hours Worked
    Specify the total hours worked for the transaction. This value is displayed in the grid.
    Total Hours to Bill
    Specify the total hours to bill for the transaction. This value is displayed in the grid.
    Work Code
    Select the code used to represent the type of work that is being recorded to a service order. Codes are set up and maintained on the Work Codes form. Right click this field to access the Standard Repair Time Filters form, which allows you to filter and return a work code to the Service Order Transactions form.
    Hours Worked
    Specify the number of hours spent by a partner working on a transaction.
    Hours To Bill
    The number of hours to be charged for work performed is displayed. Depending on the settings on the Service Parameters form, if this amount is greater than the hours worked, the row may be flagged as having an error, and a message may display either warning you about the discrepancy but allowing you to continue, or warning you and preventing you from posting the transaction.
    Work Code Description
    The explanation of what the work code represents is displayed.
    The running total of labor costs issued to the service order, service order line, or service order transaction is displayed.
    Labor Rate
    The hourly rate of a partner for the type of work being performed is displayed.
    Start Time
    Select the start time for the current record.
    End Time
    The date and time the work was completed is displayed.
    Reimburse Labor
    Select this check box to reimburse the partner for labor transactions on incidents that the partner is assigned to. If this field is cleared, costing for the associated transactions is not affected.
    Payroll Processed
    Select this check box if the payroll has been processed for the labor performed.
    Estimate Locked
    If selected, the original Estimate Transactions cannot be altered. This check box is selected by default when the SRO status is changed from Estimate to Open, but can be manually overridden.
  6. Specify this information when the type is Planned:
    Dispatch Button
    Click this button to open the Service Schedule Dispatch form.
    Reset Price Button
    Click this button to reset the price of the currently selected transaction only.
    Source Fields
    Select the type of record to cross-reference. The three ID fields can be used to specify existing records. If left blank, the system creates a new record of the source type specified when the cross reference is performed.
    Source Button
    Click this button to show the corresponding screen of the originating source. For example, if you are producing the item as a purchase order, click this button to show the cross-referenced purchase order record.
  7. Specify this additional information on the Miscellaneous tab:
    Reset Price Button
    Click this button to reset the price of the currently selected transaction only.
    Misc Code
    Select the unique alphanumeric code that represents a particular type of expense that is charged to a service order.
    Misc Code Description
    The explanation of what the work code represents is displayed. The description is assigned on the Miscellaneous Codes form.
    Payment Type
    Select the code for the payment type being used. The selections available are set up and maintained using the Payment Types form.
    Estimate Locked
    If selected, the original Estimate Transactions cannot be altered. This check box is selected by default when the SRO status is changed from Estimate to Open, but can be manually overridden.

    Specify this information when the type is Planned:

    Source Fields
    Select the type of record to cross-reference. The three ID fields can be used to specify existing records. If left blank, the system creates a new record of the source type specified when the cross reference is performed.
    Source Button
    Click this button to show the corresponding screen of the originating source. For example, if you are producing the item as a purchase order, click this button to show the cross-referenced purchase order record.
  8. Specify this information on the Line Material tab:
    Serials Button
    Click this button to open the Serials modal form. This form can be used to view or generate serial numbers for the associated item.
    Return to Vendor Button
    Click this button to initiate the vendor return process.
    On Hand
    The line material amount currently on hand is displayed.
    On Order
    The line material amount currently on order is displayed.
    Alloc Order
    The line material amount that is allocated for an order is displayed.
    The line material amount that is reserved is displayed.
    Transaction Type
    Select the type of material transaction that is being performed on a SRO.
    Reason Code
    For a customer return transaction, select the reason code.
    The item number is displayed.
    Impact Inventory
    Select this check box if you want the transaction to affect inventory levels.
    Select the abbreviation for the unit of measure used to quantify the number of units or items.
    Select the warehouse location to use for the material transaction.
    If the transaction involves a serial tracked item, select the lot for the warehouse location to use for the material transaction.
    Select the nature of transaction code. These codes are used in the European Community to identify the characteristics of various transactions used in the system. Selections are set up and maintained using the Nature of Transaction Codes form.
    NOTC Description
    The nature of transaction code description is displayed. This value is set on the Nature of Transaction Codes form.
    Delivery Terms
    Select a code for the terms of delivery.
    Delivery Terms Description
    The description of the terms of delivery is displayed.
    Process Indicator
    Select the process indicator code. This code is used by the system in calculating the EC Sales List Report for companies in European Community countries. The Activate EC Reporting option on the General tab of the General Parameters form must be set to true in order for this field to be used.
    EC Code
    Select the two-character European Community (EC) code. On some forms, this field is read-only.
    Select the code for the country where the item originated and is only required in certain European Community (EC) countries.
    Specify the commodity code.
    Supply Units
    The quantity of supply units is displayed.
    Unit Weight
    The default unit weight from the Items form is displayed.
    SSD Value
    The export value for SSD is displayed.
    The consignment number is displayed.
    Reimburse Material
    Select this check box to reimburse the partner for material transactions on incidents that the partner is assigned to. If this field is not selected, costing is not affected for associated transactions.
  9. Save the record.
Note: The Reimbursement Tax codes are for the user to specify a rate type tax code used to create the distributions on the Voucher or Credit Memos during reimbursement for the specified reimbursement Tax Amount. The Reimbursement Tax and Codes are only enabled when the partner of the service order transaction is marked for reimbursement. The Reimbursement Currency is pulled from the Currency associated to the Partner/Reimbursement Method.

Use these buttons on the form as described here:

  • Click Transaction Posting Utility to open the Service Order Transaction Posting form with the details of the filtered transactions. On the Service Order Transaction Posting form, click Process to post the currently filtered transactions all at once.
  • Click Notes to open the Notes form, where you can read, edit, or add descriptive notes about the currently displayed record.
  • Click Unpost All to unpost the group of selected lines.
  • Click Unpost Transaction to unpost the selected transaction. Only transactions that have not been billed are eligible for unposting.
  • Click Post Transaction to post the selected transaction to the SRO.
  • Click Post All to post all the transactions for the selected tab to the SRO.