Adding Service Order Operations
- Open the Service Order Operations form.
Specify this information in the SRO header section:
- Select the unique alphanumeric used to identify the SRO.
- Description
- A brief description for the SRO is displayed.
- Customer
- Select the customer.
- Ship To
- The Customer Ship To location is displayed.
- Status
- Select the current status of the SRO line. The default status is Open upon creation.
- Partial Billing
- Select this check box if you want the SRO Invoice Print/Post
program to bill an service order or service order transaction with a status of
bill hold. If the check box is selected at the header level, the system ignores
the entire SRO. If the check box is selected at the transaction level, only the
transaction is ignored and all other transactions not on hold are invoiced.
A default value for new SROs can be set on the Service Order tab of the Service Parameters form.
Specify this information in the Line header section:
- Line
- Select the number assigned to the SRO line.
- Unit
- A unit is a complete material composition, including all subcomponents, replacement parts, and/or add-ons. Each unit is identified with a unique alphanumeric ID. This ID can be the serial number of the unit, but it does not have to be the serial number. If it is a serial number, that number does not have to exist in the Service Serials form. This allows you to service units that you did not manufacture.
- Status
- The status of the SRO line is displayed.
- Item
- The item number is displayed.
- Quantity
- Specify the quantity for the line. The default value is one when a unit is selected. The value can only be updated when there is no unit number.
- U/M
- Select the unit of measure for the line. The default value is based on the unit or item selected.
- Customer Unit
- The customer unit that was selected on the Service Order Lines form is displayed.
Specify this information in the Operation header section:
- Oper#
- The operation number associated with the SRO line is displayed.
- Operation Code
- Select the operation code for the SRO. This code indicates what type of work the operation represents. The codes are set up and maintained on the Service Operation Codes form.
- Description
- Specify a brief explanation of the SRO operation.
- Status
- Select the current status of the SRO operation:
- Open: The operation is active
- Invoice: The operation is available to be invoiced by the SRO invoicing program
- Closed: The operation is complete
Specify this information on the
General tab:
- Open Date
- The date and time that the SRO or SRO operation was opened is displayed. The current system time upon starting a new SRO or line is used as the default time.
- Close Date
- Select the date and time that the SRO or SRO line was closed. The field will default in the current system time upon closure of the SRO or line.
- Start Date
- The date of entry into the system or when work commenced on the associated task is displayed.
- End Date
- The date and time that work was completed is displayed.
- Planned Transaction Required
- Select this check box if a planned transaction must exist
before the line or operation can be invoiced.
A default value for new SROs can be set on the Service Order tab of the Service Parameters form.
- To Be Scheduled
- Select this check box to indicate that the current incident or SRO is to be included in the scheduling process for partner assignment. If selected, the incident or SRO is displayed on the Calendar Scheduling form when you do select a task and click All To Be Scheduled. If cleared, the incident or SRO can still be manually scheduled but is not automatically displayed on the Calendar Scheduling form.
- Awaiting Parts
- Select this check box if the Incident or SRO is dependent on material that is yet to be received. Whether this field is enabled or disabled to the user is controlled by the Parts Fulfillment mode assigned at the Service Parameters level.
- Product Code
- Select the product code for the SRO. This code contains all of the General Ledger Accounts that are used for posting Material, Labor, and Miscellaneous expenses to a SRO. The product code also contains the accounts that are used by the SRO Invoicing program for posting Cost of Goods Sold and Revenue amounts. A default value for new SROs can be set on the Service Order tab of the Service Parameters form.
- Warehouse
- Select the default warehouse to use for the SRO.
- Price Code
- Select the price code.
- Lead Partner
- Select the partner responsible for the SRO.
- Department
- Select the department out of which the partner works.
- Duration
- The sum of the total time remaining for work to be performed on the service order is displayed. The calculation is based on the accumulation of the Hours Worked values for any planned labor transactions associated with the SRO operation.
- Calculate Button
- Click this button to assign the duration field based on the accumulation of the Hours Worked values for any planned labor transactions associated with the service order operation.
- Estimated Time Remaining
- Specify the estimated time remaining for work to be performed.
Specify this information on the
Billing tab:
- Billing Type
- The billing type determines the total price for a service
request order. Specify the billing type at the line or operation level of the
SRO. A default value for billing type can be set on the
Service Parameters form. Select one of
these options:
- Calculated/Time and Material: Add all Material, Labor, and Miscellaneous items issued to calculate the price.
- Project/Fixed: Price is based on a manually entered, fixed amount.
- Invoice Estimate: Price is based on the invoice estimate amount. Use this type when the customer has agreed to pay an estimate amount, regardless of actual cost.
- AIA Billing: Price is based on the AIA billing amount. Use this type when the AIA billing methodology is in use for the customer.
- Bill Status
- The current state of billing for a SRO is displayed.
- Billing Code
- See Billing Code.
- Material Account Location
- Specify whether the accounts used for material will be assigned at the operation or transaction level.
- Labor Account Location
- Specify whether the accounts used for labor will be assigned at the operation or transaction level.
- Misc Account Location
- Specify whether the accounts used for
miscellaneous issues will be assigned at the operation or transaction level.
Note: If you are integrated with SX.e and select SRO Operation in any of the Material/Labor/Account Location fields, then a code must be selected in the Operation Code field. If you try to save a record without selecting an operation code, a message is displayed and you cannot save the record. This information is used to inform SX.e of the location from which the PCat must be pulled.
- Bill Hold
- Select this check box to put the service order operation or transaction on billing hold.
- Accumulate WIP
- Select this check box to store costs issued to
the SRO in WIP accounts. Note: When re-opening an operation for a service order that is accumulating WIP, the check box is automatically cleared. If the Accumulate WIP check box is then turned back on, during the un-post the system uses COGS accounts because the cost of this transaction has already been relieved from WIP. The new post uses WIP accounts because the Accumulate WIP check box is selected. Because the system tracks WIP and WIP Relieved at the transaction level, there is now WIP to be relieved, if the Accumulate WIP check box is selected again.
- Use Planned Pricing
- Select this check box to use planned pricing instead of pricing based on partner, codes, and customer.
- Include Tax in Price
- Select this check box to include any tax amounts as part of the price. This option applies for the billing type of project/fixed.
- Total Price
- The running total of price for the service order, service order line, or service order operation excluding freight, miscellaneous, and tax charges is displayed.
- (Currency)
- The currency of the total price is displayed.
- Use Invoice Milestones
- This check box is selected by default if Use Invoice Milestones was selected at the service order header level. If selected, invoice milestones can be used to control when invoices are generated and for how much.
- Use Revenue Milestones
- This check box is selected by default if Use Revenue Milestones was selected at the service order header level. If selected, invoices are automatically routed to deferred revenue in preparation to be recognized later using a user-defined milestone schedule.
- Total Billed
- The running total of invoiced charges for the service order, service order line, or service order operation is displayed.
- Material Cost
- The running total of material costs issued to the service order, service order line, service order operation, or service order transaction is displayed.
- Labor Cost
- The running total of labor costs issued to the service order, service order line, or service order transaction is displayed.
- Miscellaneous Cost
- The running total of miscellaneous costs issued to the service order, service order line, service order operation, or service order transaction is displayed.
- Total Cost
- The accumulated total cost amount for the service order line or service order operation is displayed.
- Tax Code
- Select the tax code, which represents how the sales tax is calculated. Selections are set up and maintained through the Tax Codes form.
Specify this information on the
Reasons tab:
- General Reason
- Select the general code to represent why the incident is being logged. The general reason codes are maintained through the Service Reasons form.
- Specific Reason
- Select the specific code to represent why the incident is being logged. The specific reason codes are maintained on the Service Reasons form.
- General Resolution
- Select the general code to represent why the incident is being closed. The general resolution codes are maintained through the Service Resolutions form.
- Specific Resolution
- Select the specific code to represent why the incident is being closed. The specific resolution codes are maintained through the Service Resolutions form.
- Reason Notes
- Specify any additional explanations of service or incident reasons.
- Resolution Notes
- Specify any additional explanation for service resolutions.
- General Activities Button
- Click this button to open the Service Activities modal form to show or record actions that have been or need to be taken to resolve the incident.
- Specific Activities Button
- Click this button to open the Activities modal form to show or record actions that have been or need to be taken to resolve the incident or service order.
Specify this information on the Customer Override tab:
- Customer Billing Override
- Optionally, select a different customer to bill for the operation than the one specified at the SRO header level.
- Claim Status
- This field is read-only and shows the status of a warranty claim.
One of these system-generated statuses is displayed for existing service
- Blank: If the service order is not a warranty claim type, the field is blank.
- Authorized: Displayed when the Submittal Authorization Number is populated.
- Submitted: Displayed when invoicing has occurred.
- To Be Reconciled: Displayed when the claim has been accepted and an amount has been returned. This is typically set by an API call or when the claim is set to To Be Reconciled on the Warranty Claim Reconciliation form.
- Reconciled: Displayed when the claim has been reconciled. This is typically set on the Warranty Claim Reconciliation form or the Warranty Claim Adjustment Posting form.
- If applicable, for a warranty service order, specify the Submittal Authorization Number and Submittal Authorization Amount from the manufacturer.
Use the Change Order tab when you are adding, editing, or reviewing a change order. Most likely, you will not use this tab when you are adding an initial operation.
Use these buttons on the form as described here:
- Click SROs to open the Service Orders form, filtered for the current SRO.
- Click SRO Lines to open the Service Order Lines form, filtered for the current SRO.
- Click SRO Transactions to open the Service Order Transactions form, filtered for the current SRO.
- Click Copy Transactions to open the Service Order Quick Create utility.
- Click Cost/Price Summary to open the Cost/Price Analysis form, filtered for the current SRO.
- Click Invoice Milestones to open the Service Order Invoice Milestones form.
- Click Revenue Milestones to open the Service Order Revenue Milestones form.
- Click Add/Edit Change Order to add a new change order to the operation or edit an existing change order.