Scheduling and Rescheduling Linked Appointments

You can easily view, update, and move appointments grouped by reference, partner, and date. When an appointment that spans multiple days or appointments for teams is created, each appointment is implicitly linked to the others. Any change made to an individual appointment alerts the user of the other linked appointments that can be optionally altered as well.


You can drill down from the Scheduling board on the Calendar Scheduling form to the Scheduled Appointments form.  

On that form, you can view groups of appointments at once by reference, partner, and type. Within each category, you can select appointments by a single date or by a date range. The single date option uses only appointments of the same date as the appointment selected. The date range option uses all appointments of the same category within the date range displayed on the Scheduling board.  

Note: When the Scheduling board is in a Queue view, the date range option behaves the same as the single date option.

Alternatively, you can run the Scheduled Appointments form and filter by date. The user has the ability to maintain Appointment data from this form.

Click Reschedule Appointments to move the appointments in bulk, change the partner, or change the status.

The results of the Reschedule operation are presented on the Scheduled Appointments form for review.

Reschedule Appointments

Three types of changes can be made that affect the records on the Scheduled Appointments form:

  • Partner: The selected partner is assigned to all appointments. If the lead appointment for the team is changed to a new team, all linked appointments are removed and added for the new team.
  • Appointment Status: The selected appointment status is assigned to all appointments. If the status chosen signifies the appointment is close,' then each appointment is marked as complete.
  • Appointment Move: The appointment date of all records is moved based on the Move Appointments by At Least value. If any appointments are scheduled to a team, each team member's appointments are also moved. If there is a resource conflict on one of the new dates, the planned substitute for the partner is used. The multi-day scheduling logic is leveraged for finding new available time slots.

Whether the finite or infinite scheduling method is chosen, the scheduling algorithm considers the working calendar so as to not move an appointment to a non-work day for the partner.