Setting the Header Date Formats

When viewing the service appointments on the scheduling board in a mode that displays the date, you can set the format of the date on the Service Parameters form. During setup, you can choose between predefined formats or a custom option. The custom option supports carriage returns, allowing the scheduling board to display the header multiple rows high.


When the View mode is set to Partner/Days, Work Week, or Partner Day/Time on the Calendar Scheduling form, the header row shows a date.

The date format can be controlled by a parameter on the Global Scheduling Parameters form.

You can choose from a list of pre-formatted values, or specify a custom format.

Scheduling Parameters

Use the Header Date Format field on the Global Scheduling Parameters form to specify user-defined date headers. The lowercase d represents the day, the uppercase M represents the month, and lowercase y represents the year.

Use this syntax when you create a custom date format:

  • Lower case d represents the day.
    • d: Shows the numeric day with no leading zeros.
    • dd: Shows the numeric day padding single digit values with a leading zero.
    • ddd: Shows the abbreviated day of the week.
    • dddd: Shows the full alphabetic day of the week.
  • Upper case M represents the month:
    • M: Shows the numeric month value with no leading zeros.
    • MM: Shows the numeric month value with leading zeros.
    • MMM: Shows the first three alphabetic characters of the month.
    • MMMM: Shows the full alphabetic name of the month.
Note: Be sure to capitalize the M, as a lowercase m is used to display the minute value when displaying time.
  • Lowercase y represents the year:
    • y or yy: Shows the decade portion of the year.
    • yyy or yyyy: Shows the full numeric year value.

To have stack date information within the same header cell, press Enter when setting up the custom syntax. Literal values, such as slashes (/), colons (:), and semi-colons (;), can be used as separators.

The custom date format obeys the standard and custom Microsoft format syntax for Date/Time fields. For more details on this topic, see the online Microsoft MSDN library.

This example of custom syntax displays January 1, 2013:

Custom Syntax Display


ddd d



Fri 1