Open the Scheduled Appointments form.
Specify this information in the Appointment Details section:
- Reference
- Specify whether the appointment is related
to an incident, SRO, or a miscellaneous task.
- Appointment Type
- Select the type of appointment. Appointment types
are user-defined codes maintained on the Appointment Types form.
- Appointment Status
- Select the status of the appointment.
- Partner
- Select the partner to be dispatched.
- Substitute
- When needed, select an alternative partner.
- Appointment Start
- Select the date and time for the appointment to start.
- Hours
- Specify the duration of the appointment in hours.
- Description
- A description of the appointment is displayed by
default, based on the associated reference.
- Originating Site
- For multi-site systems, select the site in which the
appointment was created.
Specify this information on the
Details tab:
- Subject
- Specify a subject for the notes.
- Notes
- Specify information pertinent to the appointment.
- Reference Information
- In this section, specify additional
information related to the task.
On the Location tab, specify the address information for the location
of the appointment.
The Team
Appointments tab lists all of the additional partners linked to
the current appointment. You can add or remove partners using the buttons
described here:
- Click Un-Link Appointment to split a team member appointment
off from the team, while preserving the original appointment.
- Click Partner Selection to open the Partner Selection modal form, where you can select
additional team members.
Use the buttons on this form as described here:
- Click History to open the Service
Appointment Status History modal form.
- Click View
Reference to open the incident or SRO maintenance form related
to the appointment reference.
- Click Reschedule
Appointments to open the Reschedule
Appointments form. This button is enabled when the Scheduled Appointments form shows more than one
appointment record.
- Click Service Order
Transactions to open the Service Order
Transactions form.
- Click Service Order
Work Order Report to open the Service
Order Work Order Report form.
- Click Orders To Be
Invoiced Report to open the Orders To
Be Invoiced Report form.
- Click Order
Invoicing to open the Order
Invoicing form.