Additional Ways to Use the Scheduling Board
This topic describes additional ways to use the Scheduling board.
Right-Click Options
These options are available when you right-click on an appointment in the Scheduling board:
- : Open the maintenance form to which the appointment is related.
- Preview Email form. : Open the
- Schedule Appointments form, defaulting the screen with data from the appointment selected to be copied. : Open the
- : Provides a list of valid appointment status options to which the current appointment will be changed.
- : Provides various mapping functionality. See below for additional information.
- : Provides a list of valid reference status options to which the current appointment reference will be changed.
- Enter Material Transaction modal form. : Open the
- Enter Labor Transaction modal form. : Open the
- Service Order Transactions form. : Open the
- Schedule Appointments form prefilter by the right-click option chosen. Use this option to perform mass data updates and appointment rescheduling. : Open the
- Local Appointments tab at the bottom of the form. : Open the
- Tasks To Be Scheduled tab at the bottom of the form. : Open the
- Map form if an address has been specified for the appointment. : Open the
- : Provides a list of partners that can be added to the selected appointment.
- Appointment Recurrence form. : Open the
Use the right-click Details option to view additional information from these fields:
- Scheduling Profiles form. : Open the
- Partner Selection form. : Open the
- Color Coding form. : Open the
- Partners form. : Open the
Map Right-Click Options
Use these right-click options with the Map form:
- : Exports all partners' appointments currently in view as pushpins.
- : Removes all routes and pushpins from the map.
- : Adds the current partner's appointment locations to the map.
- : Add the currently selected appointment as a pushpin.
- : Adds the currently selected partner's appointments from the map.
- : Imports each appointment location in order from the map. The first appointment is set to the earliest start date. A running total for the day is accumulated, including the duration of each route leg. If the total exceeds the current partner's work day, the start date for the next appointment is adjusted.
- : Adds all partners' current GPS locations as pushpins.
- : Adds the currently selected partner's GPS location as a pushpin.
- : Adds all GPS locations for the selected partner for the selected date as pushpins.
Tasks To Be Scheduled
On the Tasks To Be Scheduled tab of the grid, this information is displayed:
- SRO reference, line, operation, and type
- Transaction and description
- Open date
- Start/due date
- Customer name and number
- Ship To number, name, and address
- Department
Use these buttons on the tab:
- Tasks To Be Scheduled tab at the bottom of the Scheduling board. : Hide the grid. To re-display the grid, click on the
- Add Tasks modal form. : Open the
- : Change the filter on the grid to the same city, state, zip, county, country, and region as the selected appointment.
- Select Additional Tasks modal form, which is used for adding a specific SRO, SRO line, SRO operation, SRO transaction, or incident to the To Be Scheduled Tasks list. The record chosen can fall outside the pre-defined To Be Scheduled Tasks filter. : Open the
- : Export the locations to MapPoint for a visual view of the location of each task.
- : Reload the grid with data obeying the current filter values.
Local Appointments
On the Local Appointments tab of the grid, this information is displayed:
- Type: One of these types of
work is displayed:
- Appointment: Work that has already been scheduled on an appointment
- Future Service: Existing service order that needs to be dispatched or scheduled
- Maintenance: Future maintenance work where a service order is yet to be created
- Appointment Start: The starting date of the work
- Reference Information: The reference information from an appointment or service order information for future work
- Status: Working or Appointment Status Code
- Partner Number and Name: Partner that is currently scheduled to perform the work
- Description: Appointment description
- Customer Name and Ship To: Customer address information
- Unit and Item: Information associated with the work to be performed
Use these buttons:
- Tasks To Be Scheduled tab at the bottom. : Hide the grid. To re-display the grid, click on the
- Service Schedule Local Appointments Filter modal form. : Open the
- : Change the filter on the Local Appointments grid to the same city, state, zip, county, country, and region as the selected appointment.
- : Reload the grid with data obeying the current filter values.
On the Capacity tab, you can view capacity information for all currently selected partners on the scheduling board. Current availability and workload are displayed for each partner for these date ranges:
- Today
- Tomorrow
- Next five days
- Next twenty days
- This month
- Next month
- Next available day/time
to close the tab and to refresh the grid.Notes
- Available Capacity is calculated by taking the sum of the Available Hours displayed on the Partners form for a specific date range (working days only) and subtracting the duration of any scheduled appointments for the partner with that same date range.
- Scheduled Workload is an accumulation of the duration of all appointments for a partner within a specific date range.
- Appointments scheduled outside of business hours are included in both calculations.
- The weekly available hours displayed on the Partners form affect these calculations. They assist in providing available free time and calculating the partner capacity, but only for the business working days set on the General Parameters form. The hours on the General Parameters form are not used in any calculations.
- Unless the Suppress Scheduling Inventory Shortage Alerts check box is selected on the Global Scheduling Parameters form, a warning message is displayed if an appointment is saved for a partner who has a shortage of inventory for the planned materials associated with the service order of the appointment.