Use the Approve Estimate SRO utility to change an operation status
and approve a change order. In most cases, you will open the form by clicking Approve Change Order on the Service Order
Change Orders form. This topic describes how to approve a change order when
you open the Approve Estimate SRO form directly.
Open the Approve Estimate SRO form.
Select Change Order.
Select the SRO number, line, and operation that you are working on.
- Specify this information:
- Est Approval Date
- The current date is displayed. Optionally, select a different date for the
estimated approval date.
- Est Approved By
- Specify your name or the name of the partner who is
approving the estimate.
- New Status
- Select the new status for the estimate:
- Customer PO
- Optionally, specify the associated customer PO
Click OK.