Checking Credit Hold for an SX.e Customer
The Rental Counter shows a green check mark or red X depending on
the credit hold status of the current customer.
The typical flow proceeds as follows:
- When a new rental contract is created, the credit/period hold API is called so that the green check mark or red X can be displayed. The second API is called to obtain the current credit limit and the on order balance from SX.e.
- After the user has established all the lines on the contract and they drill into the rental agreement, the system ensures that the value of the first period of the contract does not put the customer over the credit limit, and issues a message as needed.
- When the Rental Check Out form is opened, the credit hold API is not executed; instead, the status of the check mark or X is passed through from the Rental Counter. Later, when the button is clicked, the credit limit and on order balance comparison is performed and the system issues a message as needed using the billing amount.
- While using the Rental Counter form, when a previous contract is dropped onto the form, both API calls are performed so that the check mark or X can be displayed correctly for the new customer. Then, the new customer’s credit limit and on order balance form SX.e can be obtained for future use.