Using the Service Order Line Inspections form

Use the Service Order Line Inspections form to specify or change the measured values for an inspection task.

If the value you specify is not acceptable according to the values specified in the task setup, the task is considered Failed. For example, if you select a Measured Value from a list, and that option has the Failure check box selected on the Inspection Measurement Types form, then the task is considered a failed inspection. If you specify a numeric result that falls outside the high and low readings defined on the Inspection Measurement Types form, the task is marked as failed.

When you launch this form from the Service Order Lines form, the SRO lines grid is pre-filtered for the selected SRO and line.

The total count of failures for the SRO line is displayed by the Inspect Failed critical number.

For a failed inspection task, a corrective measurement can be leveraged using the Adjusted Value field. The system stores both the original Measured Value and the Adjusted Value. A task that fails initially, but is adjusted to a non-failure measurement, is flagged with a Warning status on the Service Order Inspection Report, indicating it may need future attention.

For auditing purposes, the partner associated with the user who specified the Measured Value and the date it was altered are included in the inspection task results. When the entire inspection is marked as finalized on the Service Orders form, the date of completion is also assigned to the inspection tasks.

A technician should select the Inspection Applicable check box if the inspection is applicable to their work. When finalizing the SRO, a warning is displayed for any task that is marked as Applicable but does not contain a Measured Value. You can clear the Inspection Applicable check box to finish an inspection.


Use the buttons on the form as described here:

  • Click All Inspections Applicable to set all inspections as required.
  • Click No Inspections Applicable to set no inspections as required.
  • Click Quick Incident Create to open the Incident Quick Create form. The customer, contact, and unit information from the service order associated with the inspection are displayed by default.
  • Click Quick Service Order Create to open the Quick SRO Create form. The customer and unit information from the service order associated with the inspection are displayed by default.
  • Click Inspection Sign-Off to open the Mobile Sign Off form, in which you can capture the name, title, and signature to signify the inspection is complete.