Changing Rental Rates
Use the Rental Rate Change Utilityto change the rate and unit of
rate for multiple rental contracts at the same time.
- Open the Rental Rate Change Utility.
- Select the Old Unit of Rate that you want to change.
- Select the New Unit of Rate that you want to apply to the rental contracts.
Optionally, select ranges of values for these fields to filter the results that
are displayed in the grid:
- Contract
- Contract Line
- Customer
- Service Type
- The current date is displayed by default in the Contracts To Be Renewed Before field. Optionally, select a different date.
- Select Preview and click Process to populate the grid with the results.
- Optionally, specify a New Rate for any of the rental contract lines in the grid.
Select Commit and click Process to save the data and commit the
The system checks if there are any new rates with zero dollars in the collection. If any exist, you are prompted to continue or cancel. If you select Cancel, then the commit is not processed.
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