Adding a new incident

  1. Open the Incident form and tap +.
  2. Specify this information about the incident:
    Priority Code
    Select the level of priority for the incident, or accept the default level.
    Select the status for the new incident, or accept the default status of Open.
    Specify a description of the incident.
    Specify any additional notes about the incident.
  3. Tap the Magnifier to search for a customer and load the data in the appropriate fields.
  4. Search for a unit or item, or specify this unit information:
    Optionally, select a unit that is related to the incident.
    If you selected a unit, an item is displayed by default based on the unit. Otherwise, select an item. A description of the item is displayed.
  5. Optionally, specify this information related to the reason for the incident:
    General Reason
    Select the general reason for the incident. Reason codes are maintained on the Service Reasons back office form.
    Select the specific reason for the incident.
    Specify any notes for the reason.
  6. Tap Done.