Find Form property
Use the Find Form property to specify the name of a query form that is opened when the user selects from a component's shortcut menu.
The Right-Click Menu property.
menu command is a data drill-down feature. To enable the feature, you must specify a shortcut menu for a component in itsThe command opens the query form associated with the form used to maintain the object referenced in the current component. The user can select an object in the query form. The object can be returned to the component.
An order-entry form, for instance, typically contains a Customer ID component that is used to reference the customer placing the order. Detailed information about the customer is typically maintained in a separate Customers form. The Find command on the shortcut menu for the Customer ID component can be set to open the query form associated with the Customers form.
To specify additional criteria for opening the query form, click the ellipsis (...) button.